====== Installation, base ====== __Windows__ - Open http://www.r-project.org/ in your browser. - Click on “CRAN”. You’ll see a list of mirror sites, organized by country. - Select a site near you. - Click on “Windows” under “Download and Install R”. - Click on “base”. - Click on the link for downloading the latest version of R (an .exe file). - When the download completes, double-click on the .exe file and answer the usual questions. __OS X__ - Open http://www.r-project.org/ in your browser. - Click on “CRAN”. You’ll see a list of mirror sites, organized by country. - Select a site near you. - Click on “MacOS X”. - Click on the .pkg file for the latest version of R, under “Files:”, to download it. - When the download completes, double-click on the .pkg file and answer the usual questions. __Linux or Unix__ The major Linux distributions have packages for installing R. Here are some examples: ^ Distribution ^ Package name ^ | Ubuntu or Debian | r-base | | Red Hat or Fedora | R.i386 | | Suse | R-base | Use the system’s package manager to download and install the package. Normally, you will need the root password or sudo privileges; otherwise, ask a system administrator to perform the installation. ====== Rstudio ====== [[https://www.rstudio.com/|Rstudio as a R tool]] [[https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download|download]] for windows OS. ====== Starting R ====== __Windows__ * Click on Start → All Programs → R; or * double-click on the R icon on your desktop (assuming the installer created an icon for you). __OS X__ * Either click on the icon in the Applications directory or * put the R icon on the dock and click on the icon there. * Alternatively, you can just type R on a Unix command line in a shell. __Linux or Unix__ * Start the R program from the shell prompt using the R command (uppercase R). ====== A trial ====== install.packages("NRAIA") library(NRAIA) detach(package:NRAIA) trees summary(trees) boxplot(trees) pair(trees) cars plot(dist~speed, data=cars) m.cars <- lm(dist ~ speed, data=cars) m.cars summary(m.cars) chickwts summary(chickwts) boxplot(weight~feed, data=chickwts) anova(lm(weight~feed, data=chickwts) ## or . . . m.chck <- aov(weight~feed, data = chickwts) m.chck summary(m.chck) [[:t-test]] [[:ANOVA]] [[:Factorial ANOVA]] [[:correlation]] [[:regression]] [[:Multiple regression]] ====== Entering commands ====== > 1+1 > 1+1 [1] 2 max(1,3,5) [1] 5 max(1,3 ,5) [1] 5 Table 1-1. Keystrokes for command-line editing ^ Labeled key ^ Ctrl-key combination ^ Effect ^ | Up arrow | Ctrl-P | Recall previous command by moving backward through the history of commands. | | Down arrow | Ctrl-N | Move forward through the history of commands. | | Backspace | Ctrl-H | Delete the character to the left of cursor. | | Delete (Del) | Ctrl-D | Delete the character to the right of cursor. | | Home | Ctrl-A | Move cursor to the start of the line. | | End | Ctrl-E | Move cursor to the end of the line. | | Right arrow | Ctrl-F | Move cursor right (forward) one character. | | Left arrow | Ctrl-B | Move cursor left (back) one character. | | | Ctrl-K | Delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the line. | | | Ctrl-U | Clear the whole darn line and start over. | | Tab | | Name completion (on some platforms). | ====== Exiting from R ====== On all platforms, you can also use the q function (as in quit) to terminate the program. > q() Note the empty parentheses, which are necessary to call the function. __Windows__ * Select File → Exit from the main menu; or click on the red X in the upper-right corner of the window frame. __OS X__ * Press CMD-q (apple-q); or click on the red X in the upper-left corner of the window frame. __Linux or Unix__ * At the command prompt, press Ctrl-D. ====== Getting help ====== Use the help.start function to see the documentation’s table of contents: > help.start() > help.start() starting httpd help server ... done If nothing happens, you should open ‘’ yourself {{r:r_help.start.jpg?500|start.help()}} //__Packages__// Click here to see a list of all the installed packages, both in the base packages and the additional, installed packages. Click on a package name to see a list of its functions and datasets. //__Search Engine & Keywords__// Click here to access a simple search engine, which allows you to search the documentation by keyword or phrase. There is also a list of common keywords, organized by topic; click one to see the associated pages. ====== Getting help from functions ====== Use help to display the documentation for the function: > help(functionname) Use args for a quick reminder of the function arguments: > args(functionname) Use example to see examples of using the function: > example(functionname) > help(mean) > ?mean > args(mean) > example(mean) > > example(mean) mean> x <- c(0:10, 50) mean> xm <- mean(x) mean> c(xm, mean(x, trim = 0.10)) [1] 8.75 5.50 see [[https://3months.tistory.com/97|this document]] for **trim** option mean> mean(USArrests, trim = 0.2) Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape 7.42 167.60 66.20 20.16 mean> colMeans(USArrests) Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape 7.42 167.60 66.20 20.16 see [[https://rfriend.tistory.com/40|this document]] for **colMeans** function. ====== Searching via Keywords ====== > help.search("pattern") * A typical pattern is a function name or keyword. * Notice that it must be enclosed in quotation marks. > ??pattern > help.search("social network") ====== Getting help on a package ====== > help(package="packagename") > help(package="tseries") > install.package("tseries") Error: could not find function "install.package" > install.packages("tseries") Installing package into ‘D:/Users/Hyo/Documents/R/win-library/3.2’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- trying URL 'https://cran.ism.ac.jp/bin/windows/contrib/3.2/tseries_0.10-35.zip' Content type 'application/zip' length 321067 bytes (313 KB) downloaded 313 KB package ‘tseries’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked The downloaded binary packages are in C:\Users\Hyo\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpmQCQRK\downloaded_packages > help(package="tseries") > {{help.package.jpg}} ====== Searching the Web for help ====== > RSiteSearch("ANOVA") ====== Finding Relevant Functions and Packages ====== * Visit the list of task views at http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/. Find and read the task view for your area, which will give you links to and descriptions of relevant packages. Or visit http://rseek.org, search by keyword, click on the Task Views tab, and select an applicable task view. * Visit [[http://crantastic.org/|crantastic]] and search for packages by keyword. * To find relevant functions, visit http://rseek.org, search by name or keyword, and click on the Functions tab.