====== Digital Broadcast and New Media Schedule ====== ===== Week 1: (Sep 1, 5) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== * [[:방송언론관련입사준비|방송언론관련입사준비]] * [[:television history|텔레비전 역사]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa_e55JtFMM|80년 언론사 통폐합과 검열]] * [[\\KANT\home\CloudStation\Classes\2016-fall\dbnm\CB_PT_00001815\a.wmv]] ==== Assignment 1 ==== ===== Week 2: (Sep 8, 12) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== * [[http://www.law.go.kr/lsSc.do?menuId=0&p1=&subMenu=1&nwYn=1§ion=&tabNo=&query=%EB%B0%A9%EC%86%A1%EB%B2%95|방송법]] * [[http://www.law.go.kr/lsSc.do?menuId=0&p1=&subMenu=1&nwYn=1§ion=&tabNo=&query=%EC%9D%B8%ED%84%B0%EB%84%B7%20%EB%A9%80%ED%8B%B0%EB%AF%B8%EB%94%94%EC%96%B4%20%EB%B0%A9%EC%86%A1%EC%82%AC%EC%97%85%EB%B2%95#undefined|인터넷 멀티미디어 방송사업법]] * See [[:방송산업]] for the above ==== Activities ==== ==== Assignment 2 ==== ===== Week 3: (Sep 15, 19) ===== * [[./group_membership|조원 확정]] * Sep 15 = 추석 ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== * [[:한국방송역사]] * [[:언론통폐합]] ==== Assignment ==== ===== Week 4: (Sep 22, 26) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== * [[:방송산업]] * [[:방송사 조직]] ==== Assignment 4 ==== ===== Week 5: (Sep 29, Oct 3) ===== Oct 3. 개천절 ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== [[:방송의 규제]] ==== Assignment ==== ===== Week 6: (Oct 6, 10) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== [[:방송 편성]] [[:방송 조사]] ==== Assignment ==== ==== Announcement ==== Quiz: * 1st quiz: 10/13 (classroom) * RANGE: ~ Week 03, which will include * Textbook + Lecture + materials used in the classroom (Video clips). * 2nd quiz: * During the mid-term exam period * RANGE: 1st quiz + Week 07, which will includes * Textbook + Lecture + materials used in the classroom. Textbook 정리+발표 * [[Over the Top]] ===== Week 7 (Oct 13, 17) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== [[:방송과 광고]] ==== Assignment ==== JTBC + CJEM + T-broad 등의 MPP, 종합편성 방송사 한 곳을 선정하여 필요하다고 생각하는 방송프로그램의 기획안과 구성안을 작성하여 제출하시오. 기획안은 일반적인 방송프로그램 기획 요소 외에 방송사의 전략적인 플랜이 포함되어 있어야 합니다. 가령, JTBC를 선정하였다면, * 그 방송사가 현재 가지는 점유율/시청율의 위치와 * 경쟁상대국, 혹은 타겟경쟁상대국 * 방송사의 강점과 단점 등을 제시, 설명하고 * 이를 바탕으로 프로그램이 왜, 어떻게 기획되어야 하는지에 대한 설명이 있어야 합니다. [[:프로그램_기획안|방송기획형식]] Deadline: 중간고사 이후 10/30(월) ===== Week 8: (Oct 20, 24) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== ==== Assignment ==== ===== Week 9: (Oct 27, 31) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== [[:방송의 사회적 영향]] [[:뉴미디어의 영향]] ==== Assignment ==== ===== Week 10: (Nov 3, 7) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== Week 1 * The Television Industry Today: * Player #1: The Networks: group 1 * Player #2: The MVPDs: group 2 * Player #3: The Studios: group 3 * Player #4: The Premium Networks: group 4 ---- * Player #5: The OTT Services: group 5 * Player #6: Streaming Devices: group 6 * Player #7: Second Screen Platforms: group 7 * Player #8: Smart TVs: group 8 * Summary ==== Assignment ==== ===== Week 11: (Nov 10, 14) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== Week 2 * What’s Disrupting The Industry Today * The Revolution Has Begun: group 1 * Time Shifting: group 1 * Binge Viewing: group 2 * Video On Demand (VOD): group 1 ---- * Second Screen and Social TV: group 3 * Fans and Fan Communities: group 4 * Cord Cutting: group 5 * The Shifting Value Of Ownership: group 5 ==== Assignment ==== ===== Week 12: (Nov 17, 21) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== Week 3 * Streaming Video Platforms: group 5 * Net Neutrality: group 6 * V-POPs: group 6 * Tablets and SmartPhones: group 6 ---- * Streaming Devices: The New Set Top Boxes: group 7 * The Dominance of Data: group 8 * Future Predictions * TV Everywhere: group 1 * The Future of Second Screen: group 2 ==== Assignment ==== - 텔레비전 프로그램은 많은 종류가 있습니다. 이 종류를 장르별로 구분하려고 합니다. 어떻게 하는 것이 좋을지 조사하여 정리하시오. - 각 장르별로 사용자(시청자)가 smart media | Types \\ (genre) | 가능한 \\ 참여 \\ (interaction) \\ 내용 | 참여 미디어 | Evaluations \\ (참여정도 등) \\ and plans \\ (types of \\ activities) | | sports | | | | | sitcoms | | | | | reality show | | | | | dramas | | | | | crime shows | | | mild interaction \\ participatory quiz \\ alternate reality game(( [[wp>Alternate_reality_game|alternate reality game]] 참조)) | | ... | | | intensive interaction required \\ additional device (the second screen) required \\ | ===== Week 13: (Nov 24, 28) ===== Week 4 * BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): group 3 * Recommendation and Discovery: group 4 * Non-Skippable VOD: group 4 * New Business Models: group 5 ---- * The Spotifyization of Television: group 6 * A New Revenue Model: group 7 * The Continued Dominance of Data: group 8 * Summary ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== ==== Assignment ==== Quiz 03: 범위: 교재 방송의 사회적 영향 (방송학개론) + Over the top Week 1 + Week 2 The Television Industry Today: Player #1: The Networks: group 1 Player #2: The MVPDs: group 2 Player #3: The Studios: group 3 Player #4: The Premium Networks: group 4 Player #5: The OTT Services: group 5 Player #6: Streaming Devices: group 6 Player #7: Second Screen Platforms: group 7 Player #8: Smart TVs: group 8 Summary What’s Disrupting The Industry Today The Revolution Has Begun: group 1 Time Shifting: group 1 Binge Viewing: group 2 Video On Demand (VOD): group 1 Second Screen and Social TV: group 3 Fans and Fan Communities: group 4 Cord Cutting: group 5 The Shifting Value Of Ownership: group 5 ===== Week 14: (Dec 1, 5) ===== ==== Concepts and Ideas ==== ==== Assignment ==== ===== Week 15: (Dec 8, 12) ===== Dec 13: Presentation 2, 7, 8, 6 4, 5, 1, 3 ===== Week 16: (Dec 15, 19) ===== Dec 15: Exam Period ''2016-12-19 시험 월5,월7교시 월(13:30-15:30)'' 범위 * Streaming Video Platforms: * Net Neutrality: * V-POPs: * Tablets and SmartPhones: * Streaming Devices: The New Set Top Boxes: * The Dominance of Data: Future Predictions * TV Everywhere: * The Future of Second Screen: * BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): * Recommendation and Discovery: * Non-Skippable VOD: * New Business Models: * The Spotifyization of Television: * A New Revenue Model: * The Continued Dominance of Data: Summary 발표자료: * 6조, 7조는 업로드가 안되어 있어서 누락되어 있습니다. {{1조_networks.pdf}} {{1조_Tv Everywhere_pdf_.pdf}} {{1조_What’s Disrupting The Industry Today.pdf}} {{2조_binge-watching _1_.pptx}} {{2조_futureofsecondscreen.pptx}} {{2조_theMVPDS.pptx}} {{3조_BYOD.pptx}} {{3조_Second Screen .pptx}} {{3조_studios.pptx}} {{4조_premium_network.pdf}} {{5조_cordCutting_shiftingValueOfOwnership.pdf}} {{5조_OTT_Services.pdf}} {{5조_Streaming video platforms 2.pptx}} {{8조_TheContinuedDominanceOfData.pptx}} {{7조_새로운 수익모델.pdf}} {{7조_streaming devices.pdf}} {{7조_second screen platform.pdf}} {{6조 Net Neutrality V-POPs Tablets and SmartPhones.pptx}}