[[./|Class page]] ====== Week 01 (Sep. 2, 4) ====== ===== Activities 1 ===== [[./week01]] ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 02 (Sep. 9, 11) ====== **Choosug Holiday Week. But, nothing happens to our class!** ===== Activities ===== [[./week02]] ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 03 (Sep. 18, 20) ====== [[:Creating Youtube Channel]] [[:Camera]] ===== Activities ===== ==== Grouping ==== - read an [[https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=105&oid=031&aid=0000508121|newspaper article]] - research what really happened. - discuss this matter with other group members - submit group position paper to ajou bb - due date and others will be announced later. Group Discussion [[./Lecturer|Lecturer Note]] -- private page. ==== Plan ==== Group discussion on ga-w03-2 (the second group assignment) - researching on youtube channel genre * discuss what kinds of youtube categories are there; * what's your interests (pick two); * research (or find) some prominent channels; * discuss why they are popular over others - The topic or idea of your group channel * pick one topic you want to focus (out of the two topics you are interested) * describe why you chose the topic; * describe the plan on how you would pursue * group id (a new shared google account) * channel name * how you would produce the channel content =====Assignment ===== ==== ga-w03 ==== Group Assignment (ga-w03) * Please take a look at the AjouBB page for [[https://bit.ly/2kS8SMH|the assignment description]]. ==== ga-w03-2 ==== see the above Plan subsection, the assignment page can be found at [[https://bit.ly/2kFuSKK|ajoubb]] ====== Week 04 (Sep. 25, 27) ====== ===== Activities ===== [[:Camera]] continued * A brief history of camera * Daguerreotype camera * Eastman Kodak by George Eastman * Types of camera * SLR * Large format * [[wp>Large_format]] camera * [[wp>Ansel Adams]] * [[https://shop.anseladams.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=71|His works]] * [[wp>Medium format]] Camera * [[wp>Single-lens_reflex_camera]] 35mm format SLR * Hasselblad((https://www.hasselblad.com/)) * [[wp>Mirrorless camera]] * [[wp>Rangefinder camera]] * [[wp>Point and shoot camera]] cf. [[http://anseladams.com|Ansel Adams]] [[https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=henri+cartier-bresson&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjb4PbB6dndAhWLMN4KHfvOCDMQiR56BAgKEBY|Henri Cartier-Bresson Images]] [[:Henri Cartier-Bresson]] ===== Assignment ===== ga.w04.video.of.the.week * Videos of the Week * Pick one videos ====== Week 05 (Sep 30, Oct. 2) ====== ===== Activities ===== [[:Camera]] continued {{youtube>Jb6YbvuhUgQ}} How to make a youtube video %%**%% - Idea - Filming - Camera - Clothing - Background (bedroom, apartment, etc.) - Lighting - Editing - Windows Movie Maker - Adobe Premier Pro - Adobe After Effect - Sony Vegas - . . . . - Avid - Power Director - http://pc119.ajou.ac.kr/pc119/center/center04.jsp - Uploading {{youtube>nFxSGEJAw8I}} ---- Class discussion: * The subject * Music * Sports * Gaming * Education * Movies * TV Shows * News * Live * Technology * . . . . * Youtube account * Youtube channel * Choosing a channel name * Brand account vs Individual account (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afijdqSLiIU ) * Plan on producing clips ===== Assignment ===== Assignment is as follows: * Create youtube account and channel * Do the channel artwork and other detail (about description, etc.) And at the discussion learning page forum, write up a new thread (토론게시판에 새게시물 작성). * Your thread title should read "w05 assignment - nmdb# (#=group number)" * In the content (you should write the content (as a thread) instead of uploading file so that other classmate can share your discussion) * Group# (nmdb05, for example) * Youtube ID and channel name * Your channel plan in detail including what is your youtube channel topic and why you chose the topic; what are your goals; who are the main target audience and why; etc. * Evaluate your channel: * Is your idea different enough? - survey youtube * Are there similar channels; * How are you different from other similar ones * please put your thread (discussion) at the proper [[https://eclass2.ajou.ac.kr/webapps/discussionboard/do/forum?action=list_threads&course_id=_47750_1&nav=discussion_board_entry&conf_id=_52910_1&forum_id=_55329_1|discussion forum]]. 게시판 활동 * Pick a video clip of the week that you(your group) want to share with other classmates. * see [[https://eclass2.ajou.ac.kr:8443/webapps/discussionboard/do/conference?action=list_forums&course_id=_47750_1&conf_id=52910&nav=discussion_board_entry|Ajou BB class 게시판]] ====== Week 06 (Oct. 9, 11) ====== ===== Activities ===== ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 07 (Oct. 16, 18) ====== ===== Activities ===== Watch * a lighting tutorial * {{youtube>j_Sov3xmgwg}} %%**%% * see also {{youtube>pBt8qdO03-k}} * https://www.techsmith.com/blog/get-perfect-lighting-video/ * key light * fill light * hair light (back light) * white balance issue with different light 교재 * Frame * FPS * Resolution * 세로 픽셀 수 (텔레비전과 같은 영상매체의 경우, 세로 픽셀만을 사용하기도) * Aspect ratio * TV . . . NTSC: 4:3 * 16:9 * 21:9 . . . . 영화 * Bit rate * Scanning * I: Interlaced * P: Progressive ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 08 (Oct. 23, 25) ====== ===== Activities ===== * Lecture materials: Materials covered in the class lecture (in schedule page + lecture) * includes: the [[:Internet development]] and Engelbart part in the [[:Internet history]] page * about [[:camera]] and [[:camera:light|lighting]] * youtube materials that were actually watched ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 09 (Oct. 28, 30) ====== ===== Activities ===== Video of the Week from Week 07 __교재__ * 카메라 준비 * 나만의 동영상 촬영 * 무엇을 촬영? * 어떤 구도 * 삼각대 사용 * headroom * 조명배치 * 대각선으로 자연스럽게 * 디퓨저 이용 * 카메라 설정하기 * 해상도 (HD, FHD, etc): 1920 x 1080, 3840 x 2160 * fps * exposure * shutter speed * aperture * ISO * White balance * Focusing * auto * manual * Audio level (https://youtu.be/9Szfu1MYkA8) __기획서__ [[:프로그램_기획안|방송기획서]] 참조 교재: * Pre-Production * Production * Post-Production * Moving files to computer work place * Cut editing (컷편집) * 자막, 효과, 색보정 * Audio editing * Flattening (파일출력) 기획서 presentation for shoot #1 * 기획서 * 채널소개: 주제 및 내용 * #1 shoot 제목 및 내용 * 기획의도 * 시놉시스 * 출연, 촬영, 감독, 조명 etc. * storyboard * script(있다면) * prop and costumes (예상소품) * 촬영장비준비 * 촬영구성: 어느장송에서 어떤 내용을 찍을 건지 (storyboard에 따라서) 등을 포함합니다. Storyboard: see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfGhDakhPxY __About music__ Apple Final Cut Pro: Has over 1,000 royalty-free sound effects and music tracks Sony Vegas Movie Studio: Contains 400 royalty-free music soundtracks * http://www.premiumbeat.com/ * http://www.audiojungle.com/ * http://www.footagefirm.com/ [[:video editing]] **__SEO (video SEO: search engine discoverability)__**: * YouTube doesn’t work like web SEO because it can’t (yet) watch your content to determine what your video is about, so it has to rely on your metadata and how the community reacts by way of watch time, social media shares, and embedded links for the video on external sites. * So what exactly do we mean by optimization in search engine optimization? Optimization is about intelligently and systematically putting together description words so that * YouTube understands what your content is about so it can better offer your video to the most appropriate searchers. * Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! understand your content and are thus in a position to add your videos to search engine results pages along with web content. * Viewers are more likely to click on your content versus other search results offered. ===== Assignment ===== **Upload your first channel video by the end of Monday, Nov. 11. You should use the AjouBB, .** ====== Week 10 (Nov. 4, 6) ====== ===== Activities ===== ---- Fused with media technology {{youtube>pV29sB7VGbo}} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDccMCrswC4&index=1&list=UUDsO-0Yo5zpJk575nKXgMVA [[https://www.youtube.com/user/freddiew|RocketJump (Freddie Wong)]] ---- Wong Fu Production {{youtube>iOntet85kBw}} {{youtube>hWyhIfAvK80}} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duAO4QinW4w&index=3&list=PL8AB217D1B23A06B0 [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutXfzLC5wrV3SInT_tdY0w|Wong Fu Productions]] ---- Indie singer and song writer {{youtube>dHlGnu3ZBHc}} [[https://www.youtube.com/user/kinagrannis|Kina Grannis]] ---- Some very famous (lots of subscribers) youtubers {{youtube>3HxIu1i17hs}} **Logan Paul's** vlog channel {{youtube>cPVEVbBkrc8}} RomanAtwood [[https://www.youtube.com/user/RomanAtwoodVlogs|RomanAtwoodVlogs]] {{youtube>I1cX-ZMTzT4}} Jenna Marbles [[https://www.youtube.com/user/JennaMarbles|JennaMarbles]] {{youtube>uZNssUPCfic}} Liza Koshy [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxSz6JVYmzVhtkraHWZC7HQ|Liza Koshy]] {{youtube>kdsb2wwn-7g}} Serpentza [[https://www.youtube.com/user/serpentza|serpentza]] {{youtube>_xcvPRBIqmM}} Asian Boss (a company) We surprised a Korean grandma living on $2 a day | ASIAN BOSS ---- Youtube hygene * Community guidelines: * Copyright policies: . . . . Three copyright strikes will result in account termination. * www.youtube.com/yt/copyright * Copyright strike * Content ID claim * Check your status - In your web browser, go to www.youtube.com. - Log in to your YouTube account. - Click the logged-in icon and then choose Creator Studio from the drop-down menu that appears. The Creator Studio main menu should appear on the left side of the browser. - Click the Channel section of the Creator. By default, it should go directly to the Status and Features submenu. - Select Status and Features, if it’s not already showing. Doing so loads your account status on the right. - Make sure that both the Community Guidelines and Copyright lines show a green status circle and the words Good Standing. * https://www.youtube.com/features?o=U&ar=1 * https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?ar=1&o=U ---- * It’s a lot easier to get your video SEO house in order up front, rather than deal with it after you’ve published all your content. * So what exactly do we mean by optimization in search engine optimization? Optimization is about intelligently and systematically putting together description words so that * YouTube understands what your content is about so it can better offer your video to the most appropriate searchers. * Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! understand your content and are thus in a position to add your videos to search engine results pages along with web content. * Viewers are more likely to click on your content versus other search results offered. ---- **__Titles__**: * The video title is the most important piece of metadata that you’ll create. As important as the title is to YouTube and the major search engines, you have to also ensure that it works for people. The trouble is that it can’t look as though you’re trying too hard to grab folks’ attention. Fancy click-bait titles, such as “You won’t believe what happens to the 12 kittens in this video,” may generate more clicks, but the search engines won’t bite and they will likely ignore your content. Also avoid breathless wording such as “most epic” or “blow your mind.” * Use the following approach to picking a title: * Determine the keywords. * Add a descriptive phrase to the title. * Move branding keywords to the end of the title. * If your video is part of a series, include an episode number at the end of your title. Description * Explain in greater detail what your video and your channel are about. * Extend the viewer’s experience by providing additional detail around what is shown in the video. For example, if you have a video on cooking, the description field would be a great place to include a copy of the recipe. * Trigger the viewer to do something. That could include watching another video, making a purchase, supporting your cause, and more. * Entice people to view. The first couple of paragraphs of the description show up in search results, so you have to write compelling — and relevant — content so that the user somehow takes the next step of clicking and viewing. That’s also true on the Watch page, where the first couple of sentences appear under the video, compelling the viewer (you hope!) to watch. * Aid in discovery. A great description can include hundreds of keywords that will help with search. Be sure to use ones that are relevant to the video. * Above the folder vs below the folder * should include: * Your channel * Other videos * Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Instagram * A website * A landing page **__Tags__** * YouTube imposes a limit of 500 characters for the entire Tag field. * Be both specific and broad. * Acme Z500 Convection Oven; Oven * Choose synonyms. * Oven; Stove * Action terms. * Product review; field test; **__Thumbnails__** ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 11 (Nov. 11, 13) ====== ===== Activities ===== bene_vs._mal {{youtube>6mmYGw0Ql7g}} Kennedy home movies ---- [[http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002440199&CMPT_CD=C1500_mini|Youtuber에 대한 오마이뉴스 오피니언기사]] ----
**Interest**: Viewers are interested in something, whether it’s Bruno Mars, monster trucks, Indian cooking, radiant floor heating installation, or so much more. They search and come to YouTube to find out more about what they’re interested in. * finding your channel * watching a video based on discover-ability **Curiosity**: Impressed by watching one of your videos, your viewers then visit your channel to look for more of your stuff. A nicely designed channel and well-organized playlist enhance their experience. * visiting your channel * organization of your contents (as packages) * play-list * initiate and maintain a good channel design **Connection**: Liking their experience with you and your channel, they now want to stay current and be informed of updates. They choose to subscribe. * subscribing your channel * anything new? **Engagement**: Your audience wants even more, so they begin to click that handy Like button on some of your videos and start offering comments. They may engage with each other on the Comments section of your channel. * interacting * liking your videos * commenting your videos * commenting on other comments **Promotion**: They then share your content via Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels with others who share similar interests and also become part of your audience. * working as a viral via facebook, twitter, and other sm. **Collaboration**: In addition to giving you feedback, your most passionate fans may even work with you on content.
**discovering -> watching -> regular watching -> engaging**
---- {{youtube>-SHiWYgyeT0}} 15 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Sales on Etsy [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6GY6oPfmG0PjpvMNQnAiZg|Holly Casto]]: She is mentioned in the textbook.
Holly Casto (www.youtube.com/charmandgumption) is the owner and designer of Charm & Gumption, an online gift shop for bloggers and creative types.
* https://www.instagram.com/charmandgumption/ * https://www.etsy.com/market/charm_and_gumption
Your community could do much to drive the audience growth for your YouTube channel, but for that to happen you need to be a genuine and active member of the community. . . .
YouTube offers additional features to channels that have a high **subscriber** count, including fan insights and additional monetization options. (Fan insights provide more detail about who is watching your content, while the additional monetization options enables more ways for you to make money off your channel and content.)
If your channel has a large number of subscribers, YouTube provides two interesting options for analyzing your fans in order to learn a bit more about them and (hopefully) communicate with them more effectively. These features — the Fans feature and the Insights feature — are found in the Community section of Creator Studio. Here’s how they work: **Fans:** This Fans feature shows your top fans based on their subscriber count and their engagement with your channel, including likes, comments, and subscriptions. This feature also highlights recent activity and provides options for communicating directly via Google+. * who are they based on subscriptions, comments, likings, etc. * youtube provides a way to communicate with them via google+ **Insights:** With the Insights feature, you’re able to put your top fans into a Google+ circle. With that in place, you can look at demographic data — where fans are from, for example — as well as information about their recent activity with your channel. * youtube puts fans into your google+ circle (as members). * youtube shows demographic features such as location, recent activities, etc. * managing your fan **privately** such as sharing unlisted videos.
You should understand how your subscribers receive your channel updates: * Email * Mobile device notification * Accounts connected to social media * Channel feed
===== Assignment ===== Upload the second youtube channel video by the end of this week by six pm on the next Monday.
====== Week 12 (Nov. 18, 20) ====== ===== Activities ===== Youtuber, [[:Natalie Dawn]]. **__Subscriber__** * Below the channel art * On the Watch page * Through custom links * In the channel description * Through annotations * Recommendations * With web URLs * The old-fashioned way
Starting in late 2013, YouTube began putting controls in place to counter trolls as well as spam, because neither serves part of the discussion around a video. It started off by forcing a deeper integration with Google+ to “pierce the veil of anonymity.” Though this strategy was well-intentioned, many legitimate viewers cried foul over privacy concerns, with hundreds of thousands of users signing an online petition against what they saw as heavy-handed restrictions. By 2014, YouTube backed off some of the requirements, but provided channel managers with more tools and controls, such as blacklisting and keyword flagging, to help preserve the integrity of their channels. It’s gone a long way toward getting the problem under control, but it will remain an evolving situation for YouTube and many other social platforms.
__Working with annotations__ * [[https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6388789?visit_id=636782595825881335-1754816627&p=end_screens&hl=ko&rd=1|동영상에 최종 화면 추가]] youtube help * [[https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6140493|동영상에 카드 추가]] * See [[https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCPdqshN26FqVXOTj-PNPKmA/videos/upload?utm_campaign=upgrade&utm_medium=redirect&utm_source=%2Fmy_videos&filter=%5B%5D&sort=%7B%22columnType%22%3A%22date%22%2C%22sortOrder%22%3A%22DESCENDING%22%7D|this page]] * click video * see lower right on the screen * [[https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6147757|동영상에 워터마크 브랜딩 추가]] * [[https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCPdqshN26FqVXOTj-PNPKmA/videos/upload?utm_campaign=upgrade&utm_medium=redirect&utm_source=%2Fmy_videos&filter=%5B%5D&sort=%7B%22columnType%22%3A%22date%22%2C%22sortOrder%22%3A%22DESCENDING%22%7D|channel video]] * click setting (lower left) * click channel * click branding __Adding subtitles and closed captions (CC)__ __Having viewers contribute subtitles and closed captions__ __Assigning credit__ When you reach 10,000 subscribers, you can assign credit to your production partners. Creator credits are shown on the Watch page, as shown in Figure 10-17. Viewers need to click Show More to reveal more. Youtube SEO {{youtube>aJFK9k5i1ew}} Video SEO - How to Rank #1 in YouTube (Fast!) {{youtube>NY3y0V9UDwM}} YouTube SEO: How to Rank Your Videos #1 (2019)
[[https://creatoracademy.youtube.com/page/course/analytics-series?hl=ko|]] {{youtube>F1IqUNqpjA4}} Decoding YouTube Analytics {{youtube>KlsWzRN9tDc}} Learn About Your Audience with YouTube Analytics {{youtube>cRPH7b-cUqY}} Ways To Earn More Money With YouTube Analytics * Why are there differences among money making? {{youtube>vsINDf7wWzo}} YouTube 분석으로 수익 추적하기 {{youtube>GYksKGah22o}} High Views vs Watchtime - Compare Your Videos With YouTube Analytics ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 13 (Nov. 25, 27) ====== ===== Activities ===== Getting Started with YouTube Analytics
YouTube Analytics shows you how you’re tracking against your goals and also where you may need to make adjustments. Understanding metrics and insights is relatively straightforward, but you need to know where to look in YouTube Analytics to get the data you need.
As a channel manager, always think in terms of metrics and insights. You must act on those insights, though. For example, if the view count and number of likes (metrics) for your new video are 25 percent of your target, it may indicate that your video isn’t resonating with your audience or that you released it at the wrong time (insights). Take the time to fix what may be immediately wrong (such as poor metadata) or change future content or programming. You should verify the video metrics again over time.
* Covering a song -- timing {{youtube>QkCxE2Lh458}} Bohemian Rhapsody - Marc Martel (one-take) {{youtube>dxNctrH3JiM}} leeSA - TikTok (Cover) {{youtube>XN3GO-DCzqc}} Lee Minkyung - I warned myself (Cover) * Overview: Presents a high-level view of your channel's overall performance. * Performance. * watch time * watch duration * views * Engagement * likes * dislikes * comments * shares * videos in playlists * subscribers * Top 10 Videos (in order) * watch time (min) * views * likes * comments * Demographics * Top geographics * gender * Discovery * traffic sources * playback locations * Realtime: Displays a two-column comparative report on the five newest videos on your channel. * Column 1 looks at the last 48 hours * Column 2 measures the past 60 minutes. * Earnings reports: Partners can earn money from advertising with Google, along with YouTube Rentals, which are like online movie rentals. This subsection not only looks at estimated advertising revenue but also analyzes which ads perform best against your channel. * monetizing * adsense and adwords * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=rngMhpslCw0|Welcome to AdSense]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmFB_kz8fyc|How to start Google Adsense, Old version]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NQv2HJQc_0|How to start Google Adsense, New version]] * [[https://www.cpcstrategy.com/blog/2018/05/adwords-vs-adsense/|Difference between Google Adsense and Adwords]] * https://www.reliablesoft.net/adwords-vs-adsense-what-is-the-difference-and-can-i-use-both-on-the-same-website/ * adsense * google.com/adsense/start/#/?modal_active=none * https://www.google.com/adsense/login * Views reports --> Watch time reports * watch time * impressions and CTR (try studio beta) * youtube premium * audience retention: * average view duration * average percentage viewed * demographics * playback locations * traffic sources * devices * translations * Engagement reports --> Interaction reports * subscribers * likes and dislikes * views in playlists * comments * sharing * annotaitons * cards see [[https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/72851|Youtube Partner Program overview]] * YPP is available in your country * You have more than 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months * You have more than 1,000 subscribers * You create content that meets YouTube Partner Program policies * You have linked an approved AdSense account
YouTube now reports that it receives over 1 billion unique visitors per month who watch over 6 billion hours of video during that period. They’re watching from desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs, game consoles — and pretty soon, from intelligent watches. They’re watching around the world from over 60 countries. (In fact, 80 percent of YouTube views occur from outside the United States.) Wherever a YouTube video is played lies a potential opportunity to help your business.
The fastest growing medium -- Figure 12-1
Betting your business on viral video is like betting your retirement on lottery tickets: It’s just not a sound strategy. You’ll end up investing all your money and time in something that has little or no chance of succeeding. A much better strategy is to make great content regularly and add a dash of paid advertising to build your business the right way.
[[https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=%ED%97%88%EB%8B%88%EB%B2%84%ED%84%B0%EC%B9%A9+%EB%8C%80%EB%9E%80&oq=%ED%97%88%EB%8B%88%EB%B2%84%ED%84%B0&aqs=chrome.5.69i57j0l5.6471j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8|허니버터 사건]] -- 꾸준하고 내용있는 콘텐츠 + Ads
YouTube is now where consumers frequently turn to make decisions about what products to buy. Because of the rich engagement capabilities that YouTube provides, the site is far more than just a place you go to when you want to watch a few videos
Reviews What about amazon? Amazon uses videos, too. https://smile.amazon.com/12-Days-of-Deals/b/?ie=UTF8&node=5550343011&ref=nav_cs_gb&nocache=1544048621427 historically(?) reading -> watching (book - tv)
Being on YouTube is no longer just an advantage; it’s a necessity for business. If you’ve doubted where YouTube fits into your business cycle, think again. YouTube now represents the first few steps in your customers’ journey with you.
* Create awareness * Gen interests * Build credibility * Remove objections * Provide a service * product suport * Effective content doesn’t have to be all about products, either. American Express (www.youtube.com/AmericanExpress) does an outstanding job of producing channel content that provides important advice for small businesses, as shown in Figure 12-5. . . . * Use of playlist in order to include youtube creators who are interested in your products ===== Assignment =====
====== Week 14 (Dec. 2, 4) ====== ===== Activities ===== 디지털방송과 유튜브(인터넷) [[:방송산업]] * [[:국내방송산업현황]] * [[:Multiple Program Provider|MPP]] [[:방송의 규제|방송규제]] * 미디어렙 (__Media Rep__resentative) * 중간광고 * 방송광고총량제 * PPL * 가상광고 ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 15 (Dec. 9, 11) ====== ===== Activities ===== ===== Assignment ===== ====== Week 16 (Dec. 16, 18) ====== ===== Activities ===== Final quiz * [[:camera]] part * [[https://youtu.be/JoxGEymA8ro|The history of photography]] * [[https://youtu.be/qS1FmgPVLqw|How camera works]] * ISO * Shutter speed * [[:Lens|Camera Lens]], [[:Depth of field]] * Focal length * [[:Shooting]] * [[https://youtu.be/dR7B8uKc0JU|frame rate]] * [[https://youtu.be/sMEnDA2DAic|Shutter speed, Aperture, ISO]], The relationship among * 180 Degree rule * [[https://youtu.be/Qj3QIQXYyik|6 rules of composition]] * Frame, FPS, Resolution, Aspect ratio, Bit rate, Scanning, etc. * Lighting * [[https://youtu.be/j_Sov3xmgwg|Filmmaking 101 - Three point lighting]] * see also https://www.techsmith.com/blog/get-perfect-lighting-video/ * Shooting video camera * Week 9 materials * 교재에서 specific하게 나오지는 않더라도, 수업시간에 다룬 내용은 포함 * [[:Video editing]] * headroom * editing techniques * [[https://youtu.be/Fu3vhFlXV0w|13 Creative Film and Video Editing Technique]] * [[https://youtu.be/9_KOfYrxcF4|6 rule of cinematic editing]] * [[https://youtu.be/Wv3Hmf2Dxlo|9 Cuts Every Video Editor Should Know]] * SEO and video SEO * [[https://youtu.be/aJFK9k5i1ew|Video SEO]] * [[https://youtu.be/F1IqUNqpjA4]] * [[https://youtu.be/KlsWzRN9tDc]] * [[https://youtu.be/cRPH7b-cUqY]] * [[https://youtu.be/vsINDf7wWzo]] * [[https://youtu.be/GYksKGah22o]] * How tos on * Titles * Description * Tags * Thumnails * Some materials on youtube analytics (lecture content) * Adwords * Adsense * Google story * [[https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/72851|Youtube partner program overview]] * Some videos of classroom activities * https://youtu.be/pV29sB7VGbo * Wong Fu Production * Logan Paul's vlog channel * RomanAtwood * Serpentza * Asian Boss (a company) * 이자칠 * Youtube policy on copyright * http://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright * [[:방송산업]], [[:국내방송산업현황]], [[:Multiple Program Provider|MPP]], [[:방송규제]] * 수업내용을 중심으로 ===== Assignment =====