====== Thesis style ====== * APA * [[https://apastyle.apa.org/]] * [[https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html|7th APA style introduction from the Purdue Univ.]] * [[https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa6_style/apa_style_introduction.html]] * MLA * [[https://style.mla.org/]] * [[https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_style_introduction.html|MLA introduction at the Purdue Univ.]] * IEEE * [[https://ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/wp-content/uploads/IEEE-Reference-Guide.pdf|Guide from the IEEE]] * [[https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/ieee_style/ieee_overview.html|IEEE introductin at the Purdue Univ.]] * i.e. [[https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=ko&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=virtual+human+interaction+guidelines&btnG=|google scholar search: virtual human interaction guidelines]] * pick one source * click citation (인용) * {{:c:g:mrm:2022:pasted:20220322-093018.png?350}} * click save (저장) * {{:c:g:mrm:2022:pasted:20220322-093108.png?350}} ====== Finding and managing references ====== * google * [[https://scholar.google.com/|google scholar]] * library * ERIC * JSTOR * Sage * OUP (Oxford Journals) * ScienceDirect * PsycARTICLES : American Psychological Association * ProQuest Historical Periodicals * term: "virtual human interaction" "social theory" * term: "virtual human" "social theory" "interface" * [[https://academic.oup.com/journals/search-results?q=(virtual+human+AND+social+theory+AND+interface)&f_JournalTitle=Journal+of+CommunicationANDJournal+of+Computer-Mediated+CommunicationANDCommunication+Theory&fl_SiteID=5567&qb=%7b%22q%22%3a%22virtual+human%22%2c%22q2%22%3a%22social+theory%22%2c%22q3%22%3a%22interface%22%7d&page=1|OUP search with "virtual human" "social theory" "interface"]] with three journals * https://academic.oup.com/joc/article/56/4/754/4102572?searchresult=1 ====== Research design ====== * {{http://commres.net/wiki/_media/the_third_person_effect_sprial_of_silence.pdf|제3자효과가설과 침묵의나선이론의 연계}} * 차례 * 이론 -- 가설 -- 데이터수집 -- (데이터분석을 통한) 가설검증 * 이론의 역할 (Regularity in social phenomena. 사회현상에 대한 규칙성) * 가설의 등장 (그 규칙성을 확인해 볼 수 있는 선언문) * 2개 혹은 그 이상의 변인간의 관계 (relationships between two or more variables) * level of measurement * types of variables * 차이의 가설과 (hypothesis of difference) 연관의 가설 (hypothesis of association) * The very reason why we learn "level of measurement" and "types of variables" * 논문의 예 * keywords in library search ''group polarization public opinion online -->'' [[https://library.ajou.ac.kr/#/eds/si?keyword=group%20polarization%20public%20opinion%20online&max=10&offset=10|the link]] * [[https://library.ajou.ac.kr/#/eds/detail?an=edsjsr.24545915&dbId=edsjsr|The Informational Basis for Mass Polarization]] ''-->'' [[https://www.jstor.org/stable/24545915?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents|The Article]] * Early studies -> h. 1, 2, 3 * Study 1 for h1, h2 and result * Study 2 for h3 and result * 논문 예 2. [[https://library.ajou.ac.kr/#/eds/si?keyword=%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%20%EA%B7%B9%ED%99%94&max=10&offset=0|온라인 극화]] * 있는 그대로의 댓글 vs. 승인받은 댓글 vs. 인용된 댓글 -- 댓글에 대한 제3자 개입이 여론 지각 및 이슈에 대한 의견에 미치는 영향 ''-->'' {{:있는 그대로의 댓글 vs. 승인받은 댓글 vs. 인용된 댓글.pdf|논문 로칼링크}} * 가설과 연구문제 ---- * Find (social and psychological) theories that are related to * HCI (human computer interaction) * virtual reality * game interface * education application interface * i.e., * [[https://pathumpmgux.medium.com/15-user-experience-principles-and-theories-80f19877bd5|15 User Experience Principles and Theories]] * Fitt’s Law: size matters * Miller’s Law * Zeigarnik Effect: your accomplishment in progression * Hick’s Law: the number of choices * [[https://uxmag.com/articles/5-cognitive-psychology-theories-that-contribute-to-the-quality-of-ux-design]] * Postel’s Law: ridiculous phone number input ui * [[https://livesession.io/blog/cognitive-psychology-theories/|Cognitive psychology theories related to UI]] * Schema theory * Visual Perception Theories: gestalt psychology * https://uxplanet.org/gestalt-theory-for-ux-design-principle-of-proximity-e56b136d52d1 * Find at least two research articles that incorporated the above theories * Summarize each article * Building hypotheses based on the above theories (in relation to your project (interests)) ---- * Sage (From the library) * user interface * virtual reality * hypothesis * . . . . * [[https://journals-sagepub-com-ssl.openlink.ajou.ac.kr:8443/action/doSearch?content=articlesChapters&countTerms=true&target=default&field1=AllField&text1=user+interface&field2=AllField&text2=virtual+reality&field3=AllField&text3=ux+theory&field4=AllField&text4=user+experience&field5=AllField&text5=hypothesis+test&Ppub=&Ppub=&AfterYear=2009&BeforeYear=2022&earlycite=on&access=user|Search result]] ---- * Finding theories * Finding research articles (2개) based on the theories you found the above * Building at least 2 hypotheses based the theories * Summarize the two articles * in class - * From the hypotheses you built * Identifying IVs, Dvs, etc. * Identifying level of measurement * Identifying the nature of hypothesis ====== Theories, hypothesis test ====== [[:Theories]] [[:Research Question]] [[:Hypothesis]]