====== Week 1 ====== ===== To do ===== Presentation and Discussion Chapter 1 pp. 3-30 라비카 Chapter 2 pp. 31-56 김혜경 Chapter 3 pp. 57-68 주적위 pp. 69-83 아말리아 Finding an Research Article * Find an research article in which a student is interested * Summary the article and discuss how the article (research) constructed (structured) ====== Week 2 ====== Chapter 1 pp. 3-30 라비카 * Science is a familiar word. Yet, images of it differ greatly. ====== Week 3 ====== Tuskegee Exp. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afwK2CVpc9E * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wju0wD9mK3Y * https://www.learningforjustice.org/classroom-resources/texts/bill-clinton-apologizes-for-tuskegee-experiment Milgram Exp. * [[:Milgram Experiment]] * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuMt8b4UrcI Tearoom Study, ethical concerns * [[https://www.google.com/search?q=tearoom+trade+study+ethical+issues&oq=tearoom+trade+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgDEAAYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIGCAQQABgeMgYIBRAAGB4yBggGEAAYHjIGCAcQABgeMgYICBAAGB4yBggJEAAYHtIBCDk1NTFqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8|google search]] . . . . * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7brxo3QfKg * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP8DD9TGNlU * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ3l1jgmYrY * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRR7CwdHxUE ====== Week 04 ====== https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160791X23001677#sec3 {{:status_of_frustrator.pdf}} {{:the_third_person_effect_sprial_of_silence.pdf}} {{:science_research_methods.jpg}} [[:Hypothesis]] [[:Conceptualization]] [[:Operationalization]] [[:Variables]] [[:Types of Variables]] [[:Level of Measurement]] * What was your article in which you are interested? * What was theories that the author incorporated? ====== Week 09 ====== * Based on the textbook, * Develop a research proposal (project) * it should be social science oriented (hypothesis testing) * refer to {{:the_third_person_effect_sprial_of_silence.pdf}} * 머릿말 * 문헌연구 * 문제, 질문, 주제 정하기 * 연구설계 * 자료수집의 방법 * 조사대상의 선택 * 윤리적 이슈 * 자료분석 * 참고문헌 * In class activities * 가설만들기 . . . . * [[:hypothesis]] * IV, DV [[:types of variables]] * [[:level of measurement]] * [[:variance]] * [[:standard deviation]] * [[:standard score]] * [[:sampling distribution]] * [[:central limit theorem]]: CLT * [[:hypothesis testing]] * [[:z-test]] * [[:t-test]] * [[:r:t-test]] in r * [[:f-test]] [[:anova]] * [[:factorial anova]] * [[:repeated measure anova]] * ---- * [[:r:anova]] in r * [[:r:factorial anova]] in r * [[:r:repeated measure anova]] in r * [[:correlation]] * [[:regression]] * [[:multiple regression]] * [[:mediation analysis]] * [[:path analysis]] * [[:factor analysis]]