====== Loose leash walking ====== {{:canine:pasted:20190714-105138.png}} {{youtube>sFgtqgiAKoQ}} How to train your dog not to pull - Dog Training {{youtube>ueE1S1k74Ao}} Loose Leash Walking Tips with dogs who are strong pullers {{youtube>voW2Vkq0u6Q}} Stop pulling and "Yo-yoing"- Dog Training {{youtube>xHwu0T7PoSw}} Loose Leash walking - No Pullling! Problem Solving . . . access to the environment is contingent upon loose walking. . . . {{youtube>6rwJ1FiZxTA}} New leash walking trick for pulling ahead after a treat - Dog Training 간식 받아 먹고 즉시 끄는 행위 고치기 {{youtube>Q4vEayrRyB0}} . {{youtube>k4LoPU1g310}} Teach your dog not to pull - teach 'back up' for leash walking {{youtube>1-eKSSuUaz4}} In summ: for puppies I guess: * dogs like exploring * dogs typically have pulling reinforcement: tension + dog snipping success * also dogs have opposition reflex. * in a low distraction environment, leash leading exercise (no verbal cues) with clicker (or a marking word) * be careful: leash is not a mean to control. * add distraction (toys around + more and more distraction) {{youtube>8mv2yf-yfOI}}