====== Ethnomethodology ====== Ethno (= 사람, 민족, 민간) + method (= 방법) + logy (= 론) From phenomenology * see [[:theories]] Alfred Schutz ([[:Alfred Schutz]]로 옮길 예정) * social construction of reality (([[http://perflensburg.se/Berger%20social-construction-of-reality.pdf|PDF file]], [[http://moonji.com/book/7923/|번역본, 실재의 사회적 구성]] {{amazon>0385058985}} )) * {{youtube>GaYdtUVL6Co}}
Social phenomenology is concerned with how people use ordinary, everyday interactions to produce a feeling of reality and intersubjectivity. Most of Schutz's work concerned the methods used for the construction of reality through everyday experiences. Wikipedia
* * typification (전형화) H. Garfinkel * break the rule - breaching experiment * {{youtube>9YXsfvE7E00}} Language and social reality: The case of telling the Convict Code * see http://www.paultenhave.nl/IM-Wieder.html * [[https://www.jstor.org/stable/4194183?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents|a book review]] * 수감자 규칙의 __제도화__ * 알랑방귀를 ... * 꼰지르지 마라 * 교도관을 믿지 마라 * . . . . * 심지어 교도관들조차도 . . . . p.511