This page can be found at: * 영상미학 * 영상합성 * 컴퓨터애니메이션 * 미디어애널리스틱 * 게임디자인 ====== 교수학습 개발 (media analytics) ====== 프로젝트 목표 * BB 기능 * task 협업관련 * 위키 * Blog * 토론방 * 공동작업? * task 개인 * Private Communication between Lecturer and each Students * 저널 * Assessment (BB and/or specific tech such as wiki) * 용이성 (ease of use) * learning * group working (collaboration) * task completion * 유용성 (usefulness) * learning * in collaboration * in tasking * Self assessment * self-esteem in technology use * self-esteem in education * 결과 * 만족도 (satisfaction) * 강사에 대한 만족도 * 학습에 대한 만족도 * 툴에 대한 만족도 (종합적) * 협업 (위키)에 대한 만족도 * 개인과제 툴에 대한 만족도 * 효능감 (efficiency of learning) * 학습에 대한 효능감 ====== 위키의 사용 ====== * collaboration tool * group work among group members * communication among the members 는 어떤 툴로? * group work는 wiki를 이용한다고 했을 때 * individual contribution toward communal task * teaching * learning (asking) ====== 토론의 사용 ====== * 이슈와 문제점 등에 대한 지적 (토론 시작) * 학생에 의한 * 강사에 의한 이 외에 블로그, 저널 등은 시스템이 복잡하게 된다고 판단하여 사용하지 않음. ====== Readings ====== * Aagaard, Jesper. (2016, to be printed). Breaking down barriers: The ambivalent nature of technologies in the classroom. __New Media & Society__. doi: 10.1177/1461444816631505 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Bradford, Peter, Porciello, Margaret, Balkon, Nancy, Backus, Debra. (2007). The Blackboard Learning System: The Be All and End All in Educational Instruction? __Journal of Educational Technology Systems____, 35__(3), 301-314. doi: 10.2190/x137-x73l-5261-5656 [[ | Full Article URL]] * BB를 교육에 활용하는 것에 대한 평가 * Chen, Baiyun, Sivo, Stephen, Seilhamer, Ryan, Sugar, Amy, Mao, Jin. (2013). User Acceptance of Mobile Technology: A Campus-Wide Implementation of Blackboard's Mobile™ Learn Application. __Journal of Educational Computing Research____, 49__(3), 327-343. doi: 10.2190/EC.49.3.c [[ | Full Article URL]] * 테크놀로지 수용모델에 관한 연구 * 아주대학교와 같은 케이스 * Gant, Camilla, Hadley, Patrick D. (2014). Microblogging for Class: An Analysis of Affective, Cognitive, Personal Integrative, and Social Integrative Gratifications. __Journalism & Mass Communication Educator____, 69__(1), 17-32. doi: 10.1177/1077695813513768 [[ | Full Article URL]] * 수업에 마이크로블로깅을 적용한 것에 대한 논문 * 수업에 위키를 적용했을 때 . . . * Karen Van, Gundy, Morton, Beth A., Liu, Hope Q., Kline, Jennifer. (2006). Effects of Web-Based Instruction on Math Anxiety, the Sense of Mastery, and Global Self-Esteem: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Undergraduate Statistics Students. __Teaching Sociology____, 34__(4), 370-388. doi: 10.1177/0092055x0603400404 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Effects of Web-based education technology on team based (programming, game building, filming) project * Lee, Donna. (2003). New Technologies in the Politics Classroom: Using Internet Classrooms to Support Teaching and Learning. __Politics____, 23__(1), 66-73. doi: 10.1111/1467-9256.00181 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Malikowski, Steven R., Thompson, Merton E., Theis, John G. (2007). A Model for Research into Course Management Systems: Bridging Technology and Learning Theory. __Journal of Educational Computing Research____, 36__(2), 149-173. doi: 10.2190/1002-1t50-27g2-h3v7 [[ | Full Article URL]] * May be a good article but NA at Ajou Univ. * Rose, Lydia. (2015). Resistance is Futile: Cognitive dissonance, temporal refusal, and the e-learning environment as cyborg. __E-Learning and Digital Media____, 12__(3-4), 315-326. doi: 10.1177/2042753015571053 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Türkmen, Hakan, Pedersen, Jon E., McCarty, Robbie. (2007). Exploring Turkish Pre-Service Science Education Teachers' Understanding of Educational Technology and Use. __Research in Comparative and International Education____, 2__(2), 162-171. doi: 10.2304/rcie.2007.2.2.162 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Weatherly, Jeffrey N., Grabe, Mark, Arthur, Emily I. L. (2003). Providing Introductory Psychology Students Access to Lecture Slides via Blackboard 5: A Negative Impact on Performance. __Journal of Educational Technology Systems____, 31__(4), 463-474. doi: 10.2190/krw7-qhfy-ay3m-ffjc [[ | Full Article URL]] **education technology + wiki + collaboration + evaluation in SAGE pub** * Greenhow, Christine, Robelia, Beth, Hughes, Joan E. (2009). Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship in a Digital Age: Web 2.0 and Classroom Research: What Path Should We Take Now? __Educational Researcher____, 38__(4), 246-259. doi: 10.3102/0013189x09336671 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Khan, Gohar Feroz, Swar, Bobby, Lee, Sang Kon. (2014). Social Media Risks and Benefits: A Public Sector Perspective. __Social Science Computer Review____, 32__(5), 606-627. doi: 10.1177/0894439314524701 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Reynolds, Rebecca B. (2016). Relationships among tasks, collaborative inquiry processes, inquiry resolutions, and knowledge outcomes in adolescents during guided discovery-based game design in school. __Journal of Information Science____, 42__(1), 35-58. doi: 10.1177/0165551515614537 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Young, Susan, Pérez, Jèssica. (2012). ‘We-research’: Adopting a wiki to support the processes of collaborative research among a team of international researchers. __International Journal of Music Education____, 30__(1), 3-17. doi: 10.1177/0255761411410144 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Byington, Teresa A. (2011). Communities of Practice: Using Blogs to Increase Collaboration. __Intervention in School and Clinic____, 46__(5), 280-291. doi: 10.1177/1053451210395384 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Carr, Rodney, Palmer, Stuart, Hagel, Pauline. (2015). Active learning: The importance of developing a comprehensive measure. __Active Learning in Higher Education____, 16__(3), 173-186. doi: 10.1177/1469787415589529 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Demirbilek, Muhammet. (2015). Social media and peer feedback: What do students really think about using Wiki and Facebook as platforms for peer feedback? __Active Learning in Higher Education____, 16__(3), 211-224. doi: 10.1177/1469787415589530 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Gruzd, Anatoliy, Haythornthwaite, Caroline, Paulin, Drew, Gilbert, Sarah, del Valle, Marc Esteve. (2016). Uses and Gratifications factors for social media use in teaching: Instructors’ perspectives. __New Media & Society__. doi: 10.1177/1461444816662933 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Klemke, Roland, van Rosmalen, Peter, Ternier, Stefaan, Westera, Wim. (2015). Keep It Simple: Lowering the Barrier for Authoring Serious Games. __Simulation & Gaming____, 46__(1), 40-67. doi: 10.1177/1046878115591249 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Mifsud, Charles L., Vella, Rosalind, Camilleri, Liberato. (2013). Attitudes towards and Effects of the Use of Video Games in Classroom Learning with Specific Reference to Literacy Attainment. __Research in Education____, 90__(1), 32-52. doi: 10.7227/rie.90.1.3 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Muñoz, Caroline Lego, Wood, Natalie T. (2015). Update Status: The State of Social Media Marketing Curriculum. __Journal of Marketing Education____, 37__(2), 88-103. doi: 10.1177/0273475315586596 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Netzley, Michael A., Rath, Akanksha. (2012). Social Networks and the Desire to Save Face: A Case From Singapore. __Business Communication Quarterly____, 75__(1), 96-107. doi: 10.1177/1080569911433434 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Voithofer, Rick. (2005). Designing New Media Education Research: The Materiality of Data, Representation, and Dissemination. __Educational Researcher____, 34__(9), 3-14. doi: 10.3102/0013189x034009003 [[ | Full Article URL]] * Zagal, José P., Bruckman, Amy. (2010). Designing Online Environments for Expert/Novice Collaboration: Wikis to Support Legitimate Peripheral Participation. __Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies____, 16__(4), 451-470. doi: 10.1177/1354856510375141 [[ | Full Article URL]]