====== History of Television ====== http://commres.net/wiki/television_introduction ====== Window to the world ====== Watch a video, * [[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2164335/|Modern Marvels: Television: Window to the World]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057|Video clip]] at Vimeo * [[https://www.history.com/shows/modern-marvels/season-2/episode-25|Video clip]] at History channel * = ModernMarvelsTelevision.avi * [[http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Marvels-Television-History-Archives/dp/B0007WFUOM|Amazon buying]] ===== Intro ===== Television throughout the human history * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=08s|08, Television broadcasting on Moon Landing in 1967]] * [[https://www.google.com/search?q=typical+home+with+a+radio+listening+during+1920s&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwivp9i0rufrAhVG4ZQKHZ4PD-cQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=typical+home+with+a+radio+listening+during+1920s&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1CGzwFYl_UBYKz3AWgAcAB4AIABigGIAfgLkgEEMC4xNJgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=m7VeX-_tBsbC0wSen7y4Dg#imgrc=LbIiuYuDF8KSSM|typical home with a radio listening during 1920s]] * Before then, radio set had been replaced by television set. * 당시 라디오세트의 크기는 작은 냉장고 정도 [[google>typical home with a radio listening during 1920s]] * [{{:family_listening_to_radio.jpg?200|A typical home setting for radio listening (but, staged)}}] * [{{:listening_1920s2.jpg?200|Another one}}] * 40년대가 와서도 라디오세트는 아직 상당한 크기. [{{:listening_1940.jpg?0x200|in the 40s}}] * radio에서 television으로 바뀐 후 * [{{:family_watching_tv_in_livingroom_50s.jpg?200|텔레비전 세팅 1950년대}}] * [{{:family_watching_tv_in_livingroom.jpg?200|텔레비젼 시청 1950년 추정}}] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=19s|19, OJ Simpson's]] murder case begain * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=29s|29s, Nixon resign]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=52s|What happened then?]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=58s|58s, ]] Martin Luther King Jr. * Speech [[http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm|I have a dream speech]] * [[wp>I_have_a_dream|I have a dream]] at wikipedia * What would be the result without the presence of television? * Medium is the message -- by Marshall McLuhan [[https://www.google.com/search?q=medium+is+the+message+meaning&ei=lpsYY8uEO7bO2roP4t6h8A0&oq=medium+is+the+message+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBAgAEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB5KBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQvyVYvyVgpThoAXAAeACAAXqIAXqSAQMwLjGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz|medium is the message meaning]] * 인터넷이 없었더라면 . . . 유튜브라는 매체가 안 생겼더라면 . . . 당신이 만든 동영상은 어떤 메시지를 던질까? In the Entertainment * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=66s|66s, Jack Benny Show]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=69s|69s, Bob Wood]] History * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=93s|93s, David Sarnoff]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=97s|97s, Philo Farnsworth]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=105s|105s, Walter Cronkite]] * [[https://jisike.ebs.co.kr/jisike/vodReplayView?siteCd=JE&prodId=352&courseId=&stepId=&lectId=3124920|월터 크롱카이트, 지식e채널]] * [[https://youtu.be/q3eFl9pcxsM?t=154|Watergate report]] * [[https://youtu.be/q3eFl9pcxsM?t=122|The famous quote: "That's the way it is"]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=120s|120s, Intro ends, Television: A Window to the World]] ===== Piece of Puzzles ===== * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=147s|147s, Piece of Puzzles]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=151s|151s, 1922 Ford Model T . . . . and electricity ]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=190s|190s, Bell and Edision . . . . ]] Inventions like phonograph and motion picture camera were the result of science and ingenuity. * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=196|196s, Inventions like phonograph]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=199|199s, And motion picture (영화)]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=203|203s, Thomas Elva Edison]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=207|207s, G Marconi]] In 1896, he sent electric impulse through thin air * [[https://youtu.be/CFzDdVtz4xY?t=202|Wireless - telegraph (전신, 전보)]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=230|230s, Next challenge was to try . . . ]] to send voices over air-waves. * 230s (3:50) electric pulse over the air waves (telegram) -> voices over airwaves (Radio) * [{{:g.marconi.jpg?200}}] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=241|241s, Lee DeForrest]]: * In 1908, he broadcasted the first human voice over from the Eiffel tower. * He invented the Audion Tube that captured human voice patterns and transmitted them over the airwaves. * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=258|258s, Philo Farnsworth]]: [[:Philo Farnsworth|P.T. Farnsworth]] . . . . aka PTF * see [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMwEhrRmIVE&t=92|a video part 1 (start 1:30)]] at youtube (American Experience) and [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtKjZRxAJBU|part 2]] * [[https://youtu.be/PMwEhrRmIVE?t=763|an explanation of how television works]] in the clip * see also [[https://youtu.be/PMwEhrRmIVE?t=839|an introduction of his rivalry]] * see alse [[http://www.byhigh.org/History/Farnsworth/PhiloT1924.html|Farnsworth]] web page * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=284|284s, Television idea]] Farnsworth came up with an idea of electric tube of his own. * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=299|299s, Television idea]] Evidence of his right to pattern. * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=338|338s, The Principle of Television ]] 5:40 - 6:20 텔레비전 원리 * [{{how.tv.works.jpg?200}}] * [{{FELIX_scanning_image_Small.jpg?200}}] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=406|406s, David Sarnoff]]: Across the country, a different kind of genius . . . . * [[:David Sarnoff|David Sarnoff]] with meeting with G. Marconi: At 14 . . . . * Employed as a messenger boy at 14. * [{{:david.sarnoff.jpg?200|David Sarnoff at young age}}] * [{{:sarnoff.idolized.marconi.jpg?200|Sarnoff idolized Marconi}}] at [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=457|457s]] * good at pension for promotion . . . [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=475|475s]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=481|481s]] [[:RMS_Titanic|RMS Titanic]] ((see [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Titanic|RMS Titanic]] )) on April 12, 1912. Sarnoff was at the relay station at the Marconi New York office. . . . Worked three strait nights alerting other ships near the area. * just a myth . . . * [{{:titanic.1912.jpg?200}}] * [{{:sarnoff.worked.3.nights.strait.jpg?200}}] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=516|516s, More and more people began to use the airwaves to send messages. . . . ]] * Air waves needs **to be organized due to the interference** * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=530|530s, So the government stepped in to solve the problem . . . .]] * Secretary of the Navi, Franklin D. Roosevelt gathered all the companies with the stakes in this new phenomena called "wireless" * [{{:franklin.d.roosevelt.jpg?200|Franklin D. Roosevelt}}] * Together they formed a trust, RCA. = brought all the broadcasters into one basket; and watch that basket. * First step was to buy out Marconi's operation to keep it under the US government control. * RCA got a better deal! . . . David Sarnoff became the president of RCA. * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=588|588s, David Sarnoff]] creates and controls the Radio industry * He becomes the farther of television later. * At 22, outline of his vision of radio = radio box memo * He envisioned a device at home that people receive music, news, and sports . . . * Radio station, radio box, etc. were envisioned before five years that they actually happened. * tech, yes. but, why? who needs it? problem * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=632|632s, Farnsworth . . . moves to L.A. . . . . ]] * He got invested by wealthy people, moved to LA to get needed materials. * working "in secrecy". * [{{:farnsworth.working.in.la.jpg?200}}] * Meanwhile, [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=691|691s, in the other side of the US, . . . . ]] * Competition from RCA ===== Radio Comes of Age ===== 1920s 라디오가 본격적으로 산업화, 대중화 된다는 부분 * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=704|704s, Blossom of the radio broadcast]] * Radio broadcast boom by D. Sarnoff, 1920 * The first radio station KDKA on the air (Pittsburgh in PA): The Westinghouse engineer Frank Conrad began experimental radio broadcast . . . * [{{:frank.conrad.at.young.age.jpg?0x200|Frank Conrad}}] [{{:kdka.jpg?200|The first radio station, KDKA}}] [{{:kdka.first.broadcast.jpg?200|First broadcast of KDKA}}] * . . . . We are very anxious to know how far the broadcast is reaching . . . . * Race for television heating up . . . . * [{{:radio.set.01.jpg?200|A typical radio set in the livingroom}}] [{{:radio.set.02.jpg?200|A typical radio set in the livingroom}}] * [{{:demands.for.the.radio.transmitter.01.jpg?200|Demands for the radio set was very high}}] [{{:demands.for.the.radio.transmitter.02.jpg?200|Demands for the radio set was very high}}] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=759|759s, RCA began to seriously transmit wireless business into radio.]] * In this race, Farnsworth believed that image could be also transmitted as well as voice. ===== Mechanical Television ===== * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=780|780s, Mechanical Television]] * in the 1920s * Charleston became very popular * [{{:charleston-dance-1920s.jpg?200|Charleston}}] * Prohibition: 또한 금주령의 시기 * [{{:prohibition.jpg?200|Prohibition period}}] * And **RADIO business** * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=810|810s, Farnsworth had a company]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=817|817s, Vladimir K. Zworykin]] ((see [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_K._Zworykin|Zworykin]])) came up with an idea about television that was **remarkably the same as that of Farnsworth**. * [[https://brioux.tv/blog/2018/10/14/dont-miss-mztvs-salute-to-forgotten-genius-farnsworth/|brioux.tv article 참고]] . . . . Zworykin basically visited Farnsworth, claimed he was a friendly rival from Westinghouse, and tricked Farnsworth into showing him all his ... * Working at the Westinghouse company researching television experiments * He made some explosion while experimenting. The company didn't like it. * Television ideas were blossomed in some different ways. * The distinguishing two are mechanical and electronic television. * [{{:mechanical.televisiojn.jpg?200}}] [{{:mechanical.televisiojn.02.jpg?200}}] * Electronic television . . . . [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=904|904s, Fail of 1925 demonstration (PTF) ]] * Mechanical television * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=965|965s, Jenkins . . . . television]] demonstration. Hurbert Hoover and secretary Farmers. Televised image Washington to NY . . . . [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1014|1014s, crude 48 lines of television image . . . . ]] * [{{:jenkins.demo.television.jpg?200}}] * Hoover (나중에 대통령이 되는) spoke 2 minutes; and his wife as well. * She was concerned to use the device to read minds!!! * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1035|1035s, England inventor, John Logie Baird]] * demo to BBC, followed by PTF * [{{:beard.mechanical.television.demo.in.the.uk.jpg?200}}] * [{{:beard.mechanical.television.jpg?200}}] * Baird had jaw dropping experience by witnessing Farnsworth demo ===== Patent battles ===== * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1152|1152s, patent battles]] mainly between Farnsworth and RCA * David Zworykin moves to RCA from the Westinghouse. * Sarnoff had an intuitive understanding the potential of television, and backed him up by 100 percent. * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1215|1215s, patent battles]] Farnsworth and Zworykin had a patent law suit * Farnsworth's win over RCA on patent war (at 24) * [{{:farnsworth.01.jpg?200}}] [{{:farnsworth.02.jpg?0x200}}] * [{{:farnsworth.sketch.01.jpg?200|Farnsworth의 스케치}}] [{{:television.patent.jpg?200|patent number 159540}}] {{:US1773980.pdf|the patent}} * [{{:zworykin.01.jpg?0x200}}] * RCA tried to buy the patent; but, Farnsworth wanted the continuous royalty. * Sarnoff did not like the idea, but, eventually agreed. ===== Duelling egos ===== [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1309|1309s, Duelling egos]] * D. Sarnoff, the king of radio * the owner of the NBC blue, NBC red * tried to build television industry by the 1930s (not the 1950s) * but, the reality was hard. * reliable way to transmit the signal through the airwaves * no public demands -- who needed pictures when you had radio! * [{{radio.as.social.thing.jpg?200}}] * William S. Paley * [{{william.s.paley.jpg?200}}] * A wealthy man * started a radio network, CBS, in 1938 * [[https://www.google.com/search?q=best+known+programs+during+William+S.+Paley+cbs&sca_esv=566330112&ei=CwsJZevGCLng2roPusyb0AU&ved=0ahUKEwir-Irm07WBAxU5sFYBHTrmBloQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=best+known+programs+during+William+S.+Paley+cbs&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiL2Jlc3Qga25vd24gcHJvZ3JhbXMgZHVyaW5nIFdpbGxpYW0gUy4gUGFsZXkgY2JzMgQQIRgVSMo6UABYpjlwAXgBkAEAmAGbAaABoguqAQQwLjExuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIKECEYoAEYwwQYCsICCBAhGKABGMMEwgIFEAAYogTCAgUQIRigAeIDBBgAIEGIBgE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|google search]] * Not interested in science of television, but was **a genius of television programming** * see [[http://commres.net/wiki/research_methods_lecture_note#%EC%B4%88%EA%B8%B0%EC%9D%98_%EC%97%B0%EA%B5%AC%EC%B4%9D%EC%95%8C%EC%9D%B4%EB%A1%A0|총알이론에 대한 언급]] 그리고 [[:The War of the World|Orson Welles incident]] * [{{:pasted:20230914-082853.png?200|Orson Welles explaining his no-intention of creating a panic}}] * Television still no good for the public * low quality: see the upper part is diminishing? * [{{television.low.quality.jpg?200}}] * electronic signals interference everywhere * trees and buildings, even car spark signals * Sarnoff turned the 3rd floor of the [[:radio city]] into television studio * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1456|1456s, Radio city studio]] * [{{:Radio.City.Music.Hall.Historic.jpg?200|Radio city music hall}}] [{{radio_city_music_hall.jpg?200|Radio City Inside}}] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1547|1547s, in radio city. Kangkang dance]] * {{youtube>veEVPhYz_B8?small&start=312&end=360}} * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1458|1458s, W2XBS highly experimental broadcasting]] on July 7, 1936 . . . . see also * {{youtube>KOlJCezrUE4?start=85&end=100&small}} . . . * First commercial television station W2XBS (July 1936) * so hot studio ~!! * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1510|1510s, experiments with various program formats in NY . . . ]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1526|1526s, the first drama, streets of New York, 1940]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1547|1547s, in radio city. Kangkang dance]] * many talents feared of television (Frank Sinatra) * see also [[https://youtu.be/cf8zxj7n1cs?t=275|My way by F. Sinatra]] * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1569|1569s, Still radio was the king]] * Orson Welles CBS * see [[:Research_methods_lecture_note#초기의_연구총알이론]] * into the public (through World fair) * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1594|1594s, NY Worlds Fair (세계만국박람회) . . . . ]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_New_York_World%27s_Fair]] David Sarnoff, then president of RCA and a strong advocate of television, chose to introduce television to the mass public at the RCA pavilion. As a reflection of the wide range of technological innovation on parade at the fair, Franklin D. Roosevelt's speech was not only broadcast over the various radio networks but also was televised along with other parts of the opening ceremony and other events at the fair. That day, the opening ceremony and President Roosevelt's speech were seen on black and white television sets with 5 to 12-inch tubes.[9] NBC used the event to inaugurate regularly scheduled television broadcasts in New York City over their station W2XBS (now WNBC). An estimated 1,000 people viewed the Roosevelt telecast on about 200 television sets scattered throughout the New York metropolitan area. . . . . * wonder bread, nylon stocking, plastic etc. introduced * Regular broadcast in Am * 2 hours a week, 200 television sets in NY * Baby has been born with beard. . . . by PTF (he was forgetten) * progression for production methods for tv was still in trouble * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1725|1725s, TV commercial by Ford incident]] * FCC (Federal Communication Commission) formed in 1940 led by James Fly . . . * Sarnoff became too influential and mono-polic * Anti-Trust Law * ABC created out of NBC Blue and NBC Red * After 1945: the war ended * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1845|1845s, Television became a regular entertaining device]] and technology devloped. * Standard war . . . * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1903|1903s, Dumont Television in NJ]] 600 line television set * vs. RCA's 450 lines * NBC won over standard of TV. * [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=1970|1970s, 1947 World series]] * sports coverage * multiple cameras * [{{:sports.broadcast.ny.crowd.jpg?200}}] * TV sets sales sky-rocketed . . . . * Muntz TV * [{{:madman.muntz.sign.jpg?200}}] [{{:muntz.tv.jpg?0x200}}] [{{madman.muntz.jpg?0x200}}] ===== Talents drives tube ===== [[https://vimeo.com/76721057#t=2119|2119s, Talents drives tube]] * Tech stablized. Search for talents flourished. * Resurrection of [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaudeville|Vaudeville]] * Norma Jean * I love Lucy * televised tour of the White house by the Pres. Truman * into color . . . . * Battle for color ====== 한국 텔레비전 ====== 참조: [[:한국방송역사|한국방송 역사]]