Minerava Schools at KGI

Minerva University

Minerva Project founded in 2011
Investment in 2012 from Benchmarak Capital
in 2012, Minerva schools is founded in partnership with KGI: 공식명칭 Minerva Schools at KGI

The Minerva Project’s plans go far beyond the prize: Mr. Nelson also hopes to create a top-tier for-profit research university, where classes would be online seminars but students would live together. Although the effort is a long way from taking shape, his ideas provide interesting glimpses of how technology may drive changes in higher education. Tamar Lewin, (April 22, 2013). Yearly Prize of $500,000 Is Created for Faculty, NY Times


“The four Minerva Cornerstones”은 Minerva 대학교 내의 여러학제에서 공통적으로 필요한 분야 중 넷을 추려서 각 4학점 과목으로 구성한 커리큘럼입니다. 내용은 Complex systems, Empirical Analysis, Formal Analysis, Multimodal Communications로 구성이 되어 있습니다. 각 타이틀은 생소하게 들리지만 각각 사회학,

Complex systems
Empirical Analyses

Formal Analyses
Multimodal Communications

Class polls and activities: 90 min participation in Minerva Active Learning Forum
Signature assignments: essay, short paper, problem sets or models, etc.
Location based assignments: 5 hour workload (setting aside preparation, research, writing up the work product to submit)
final project: A single final project across all four Cornerstone classes

4학점 수업이라는 기준으로 보았을때

Tamar Lewin, (April 22, 2013). Yearly Prize of 500,000 Is Created for Faculty, NY Times ret. Nov. 7, 2018.