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b:head_first_statistics:using_the_normal_distribution [2021/12/20 23:22] hkimscilb:head_first_statistics:using_the_normal_distribution [2023/11/01 08:23] – [Apply a continuity correction] hkimscil
Line 288: Line 288:
 ===== Exercise ===== ===== Exercise =====
 Julie with 5" heels = 64 + 5 = 69 Julie with 5" heels = 64 + 5 = 69
 +Remember X ~ N(71, 20.25)
 +mean = 71
 +variance = 20.25
 +sd = 4.5
 +z = (71-69)/4.5
 z score = -0.44 z score = -0.44
Line 301: Line 306:
 </code> </code>
 +<WRAP box>
 +> set.seed(101)
 +> rnorm(5) 
 +[1] -0.3260365  0.5524619 -0.6749438  0.2143595  0.3107692
 +> rnorm(5, mean=0, sd=1)
 +[1]  1.1739663  0.6187899 -0.1127343  0.9170283 -0.2232594
 +> set.seed(101)
 +> rnorm(5, mean=100, sd=10)
 +[1]  96.73964 105.52462  93.25056 102.14359 103.10769
 +> set.seed(101)
 +> s1 <- rnorm(100, mean=100, sd=10)
 +> s1
 +  [1]  96.73964 105.52462  93.25056 102.14359 103.10769 111.73966 106.18790
 +  [8]  98.87266 109.17028  97.76741 105.26448  92.05156 114.27756  85.33180
 + [15]  97.63317  98.06662  91.50245 100.58465  91.82330  79.49692  98.36244
 + [22] 107.08522  97.32019  85.36078 107.44436  85.89610 104.67068  98.80680
 + [29] 104.67239 104.98136 108.94937 102.79152 110.07866  79.26894 111.89853
 + [36]  92.75626 101.67984 109.20335  83.28395 104.48469 104.82459 107.58214
 + [43]  76.80673  95.40495  88.94616 104.02928 105.68935  92.93917  97.09909
 + [50]  85.16122  88.49745  97.25529 105.77901  86.03097 107.49058  89.48813
 + [57] 101.65381 111.29809 111.73722  95.72137  97.40198  85.88827  93.58642
 + [64] 101.12458 104.22604 103.86835  93.12202 101.48902  99.42350  99.25177
 + [71] 115.09897 116.19937 111.53158  99.22396  81.81065  89.62555 103.02492
 + [78]  87.22054 101.38339  99.49016 118.52148 111.11675  94.88625  94.56119
 + [85]  82.71073 104.70750 100.05387 113.48046 107.24097 115.52549 113.25470
 + [92]  99.65735  96.38987  92.79835 102.82015  92.09474  95.55095 113.64993
 + [99] 104.97454  91.85604
 +> mean(s1)
 +[1] 99.62809
 +> sd(s1)
 +[1] 9.34071
 +> set.seed(101)
 +> dnorm(0)
 +[1] 0.3989423
 +> dnorm(0, mean=0, sd=1)
 +[1] 0.3989423
 +> dnorm(0, mean=0, sd=5)
 +[1] 0.07978846
 +Mean <- 100
 +Sd <- 10
 +# X grid for non-standard normal distribution
 +x <- seq(-4, 4, length = 100) * Sd + Mean 
 +# Density function
 +f <- dnorm(x, Mean, Sd)
 +plot(x, f, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", ylab = "", xlab = "Weight")
 +abline(v = Mean) # Vertical line on the mean
 +# mean: mean of the Normal variable
 +# sd: standard deviation of the Normal variable
 +# lb: lower bound of the area
 +# ub: upper bound of the area
 +# acolor: color of the area
 +# ...: additional arguments to be passed to lines function
 +normal_area <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1, lb, ub, acolor = "lightgray", ...) {
 +    x <- seq(mean - 3 * sd, mean + 3 * sd, length = 100) 
 +    if (missing(lb)) {
 +       lb <- min(x)
 +    }
 +    if (missing(ub)) {
 +        ub <- max(x)
 +    }
 +    x2 <- seq(lb, ub, length = 100)    
 +    plot(x, dnorm(x, mean, sd), type = "n", ylab = "")
 +    y <- dnorm(x2, mean, sd)
 +    polygon(c(lb, x2, ub), c(0, y, 0), col = acolor)
 +    lines(x, dnorm(x, mean, sd), type = "l", ...)
 +normal_area(mean = 0, sd = 1, lb = -1, ub = 2, lwd = 2)
 +ar <- round(pnorm(2)-pnorm(-1),3)
 +> pnorm(2)
 +[1] 0.9772499
 +> pnorm(-1)
 +[1] 0.1586553
 +> pnorm(2)-pnorm(-1)
 +[1] 0.8185946
 +> ar <- round(pnorm(2)-pnorm(-1),3)
 +m.s <- 100
 +sd.s <- 15
 +lb <- 80
 +ub <- 110
 +normal_area(mean = m.s, sd = sd.s, lb = lb, ub = ub, lwd = 2)
 +ar <- round(pnorm(ub, m.s, sd.s)-pnorm(lb, m.s, sd.s),3)
 +text(m.s, .01, ar)
 +m.s <- 100
 +sd.s <- 15
 +lb <- m.s - sd.s
 +ub <- m.s + sd.s
 +normal_area(mean = m.s, sd = sd.s, lb = lb, ub = ub, lwd = 2)
 +ar <- round(pnorm(ub, m.s, sd.s)-pnorm(lb, m.s, sd.s),3)
 +text(m.s, .01, ar)
 ===== Headline ===== ===== Headline =====
 <WRAP box> <WRAP box>
Line 779: Line 924:
 > pnorm(-0.29) > pnorm(-0.29)
 [1] 0.3859081 [1] 0.3859081
 +# the below is the same as the above
 +n <- 12
 +p <- 1/2
 +q <- 1-p
 +pnorm(5.5, n*p, sqrt(n*p*q))
 </code> </code>
Line 812: Line 964:
 ===== Pool Puzzle ===== ===== Pool Puzzle =====
-<wrap #continuity_correction />+<wrap #continuity_correction_egs />
 <WRAP help 60%> <WRAP help 60%>
 X < 3  ----  <wrap spoiler> X < 2.5 </wrap> X < 3  ----  <wrap spoiler> X < 2.5 </wrap>
b/head_first_statistics/using_the_normal_distribution.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/01 08:29 by hkimscil

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