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principal_component_analysis [2019/11/15 05:57] hkimscilprincipal_component_analysis [2019/11/15 22:27] – [e.g. saq] hkimscil
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 ====== PCA ====== ====== PCA ======
 +[[|Difference between PCA and FA]] 
 +  * Both are data reduction techniques — they allow you to capture the variance in variables in a smaller set.
 +  * Both are usually run in stat software using the same procedure, and the output looks pretty much the same.
 +  * The steps you take to run them are the same-extraction, interpretation, rotation, choosing the number of factors or components.
 +  * Despite all these similarities, there is a fundamental difference between them: PCA is a linear combination of variables; Factor Analysis is a measurement model of a latent variable.
 +====== Some useful lectures ======
 {{youtube>FgakZw6K1QQ}} {{youtube>FgakZw6K1QQ}}
 <WRAP clear /> <WRAP clear />
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 {{youtube>0Jp4gsfOLMs}}  {{youtube>0Jp4gsfOLMs}} 
 <WRAP clear /> <WRAP clear />
 {{pca_gsp.csv}} {{pca_gsp.csv}}
 Od8gfNOOS9o Od8gfNOOS9o
 +<code>## In this example, the data is in a matrix called
 +## data.matrix
 +## columns are individual samples (i.e. cells)
 +## rows are measurements taken for all the samples (i.e. genes)
 +## Just for the sake of the example, here's some made up data...
 +data.matrix <- matrix(nrow=100, ncol=10)
 +colnames(data.matrix) <- c(
 +  paste("wt", 1:5, sep=""),
 +  paste("ko", 1:5, sep=""))
 +rownames(data.matrix) <- paste("gene", 1:100, sep="")
 +for (i in 1:100) {
 +  wt.values <- rpois(5, lambda=sample(x=10:1000, size=1))
 +  ko.values <- rpois(5, lambda=sample(x=10:1000, size=1))
 +  data.matrix[i,] <- c(wt.values, ko.values)
 +pca <- prcomp(t(data.matrix), scale=TRUE) 
 +## plot pc1 and pc2
 +plot(pca$x[,1], pca$x[,2])
 +## make a scree plot
 +pca.var <- pca$sdev^2
 +pca.var.per <- round(pca.var/sum(pca.var)*100, 1)
 +barplot(pca.var.per, main="Scree Plot", xlab="Principal Component", ylab="Percent Variation")
 +## now make a fancy looking plot that shows the PCs and the variation:
 + <- data.frame(Sample=rownames(pca$x),
 +  X=pca$x[,1],
 +  Y=pca$x[,2])
 +ggplot(, aes(x=X, y=Y, label=Sample)) +
 +  geom_text() +
 +  xlab(paste("PC1 - ", pca.var.per[1], "%", sep="")) +
 +  ylab(paste("PC2 - ", pca.var.per[2], "%", sep="")) +
 +  theme_bw() +
 +  ggtitle("My PCA Graph")
 +## get the name of the top 10 measurements (genes) that contribute
 +## most to pc1.
 +loading_scores <- pca$rotation[,1]
 +gene_scores <- abs(loading_scores) ## get the magnitudes
 +gene_score_ranked <- sort(gene_scores, decreasing=TRUE)
 +top_10_genes <- names(gene_score_ranked[1:10])
 +top_10_genes ## show the names of the top 10 genes
 +pca$rotation[top_10_genes,1] ## show the scores (and +/- sign)
 +## NOTE: Everything that follow is just bonus stuff.
 +## It simply demonstrates how to get the same
 +## results using "svd()" (Singular Value Decomposition) or using "eigen()"
 +## (Eigen Decomposition).
 +## Now let's do the same thing with svd()
 +## svd() returns three things
 +## v = the "rotation" that prcomp() returns, this is a matrix of eigenvectors
 +##     in other words, a matrix of loading scores
 +## u = this is similar to the "x" that prcomp() returns. In other words,
 +##     sum(the rotation * the original data), but compressed to the unit vector
 +##     You can spread it out by multiplying by "d"
 +## d = this is similar to the "sdev" value that prcomp() returns (and thus
 +##     related to the eigen values), but not
 +##     scaled by sample size in an unbiased way (ie. 1/(n-1)).
 +##     For prcomp(), sdev = sqrt(var) = sqrt(ss(fit)/(n-1))
 +##     For svd(), d = sqrt(ss(fit))
 +svd.stuff <- svd(scale(t(data.matrix), center=TRUE))
 +## calculate the PCs <- data.frame(Sample=colnames(data.matrix),
 +  X=(svd.stuff$u[,1] * svd.stuff$d[1]),
 +  Y=(svd.stuff$u[,2] * svd.stuff$d[2]))
 +## alternatively, we could compute the PCs with the eigen vectors and the
 +## original data
 +svd.pcs <- t(t(svd.stuff$v) %*% t(scale(t(data.matrix), center=TRUE)))
 +svd.pcs[,1:2] ## the first to principal components
 +svd.df <- ncol(data.matrix) - 1
 +svd.var <- svd.stuff$d^2 / svd.df
 +svd.var.per <- round(svd.var/sum(svd.var)*100, 1)
 +ggplot(, aes(x=X, y=Y, label=Sample)) +
 +  geom_text() +
 +  xlab(paste("PC1 - ", svd.var.per[1], "%", sep="")) +
 +  ylab(paste("PC2 - ", svd.var.per[2], "%", sep="")) +
 +  theme_bw() +
 +  ggtitle("svd(scale(t(data.matrix), center=TRUE)")
 +## Now let's do the same thing with eigen()
 +## eigen() returns two things...
 +## vectors = eigen vectors (vectors of loading scores)
 +##           NOTE: pcs = sum(loading scores * values for sample)
 +## values = eigen values
 +cov.mat <- cov(scale(t(data.matrix), center=TRUE))
 +## since the covariance matrix is symmetric, we can tell eigen() to just
 +## work on the lower triangle with "symmetric=TRUE"
 +eigen.stuff <- eigen(cov.mat, symmetric=TRUE)
 +eigen.pcs <- t(t(eigen.stuff$vectors) %*% t(scale(t(data.matrix), center=TRUE)))
 + <- data.frame(Sample=rownames(eigen.pcs),
 +  X=(-1 * eigen.pcs[,1]), ## eigen() flips the X-axis in this case, so we flip it back
 +  Y=eigen.pcs[,2]) ## X axis will be PC1, Y axis will be PC2
 +eigen.var.per <- round(eigen.stuff$values/sum(eigen.stuff$values)*100, 1)
 +ggplot(, aes(x=X, y=Y, label=Sample)) +
 +  geom_text() +
 +  xlab(paste("PC1 - ", eigen.var.per[1], "%", sep="")) +
 +  ylab(paste("PC2 - ", eigen.var.per[2], "%", sep="")) +
 +  theme_bw() +
 +  ggtitle("eigen on cov(t(data.matrix))")
 +====== e.g. saq ======
 +SPSS Anxiety Questionnaire
 +<code>saq <- read.csv("", header = T)
principal_component_analysis.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/16 15:06 by hkimscil

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