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이전 페이지

Week 01 (Sep. 4, 6)

Activities 1

  • More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month.
  • Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube - almost an hour for every person on Earth.
  • According to Nielsen, YouTube reaches more US adults ages 18 to 34 than any cable network.
  • – Ciampa, Rob; Moore, Theresa. YouTube Channels For Dummies (Kindle Locations 638-640). Wiley. Kindle Edition.
  • Keep them entertained
  • Let them learn something


Week 02 (Sep. 11, 13)


Indie musician . . . Jay Rabbit

Bohemian Rhapsody

news 뉴스타파
How many people did watch it?
How many people are subscribing the channel?

Why you need to be on YouTube?
강사는 인터넷 역사성과 사회성을 설명하면서 인터넷이 기존 매스미디어와 어떻게, 왜 다른가를 설명하는데, 그 핵심 개념은 인터넷의 “개방성”입니다.

Having more than 500 million channels can make getting noticed on your channel feel like searching for a virtual needle in an online haystack (Ciampa & Moore, 2015).

  • Yahoo instance
  • TV (any kind of mass medium, for that matter) vs. the Internet
  • see for the “open nature of the internet
  • the importance of presentation (seeing is . . . )
    • Mother of All Demo

    • Mouse . . . . I don't know why we call it mouse. . . .

But content merely makes up the first part of the equation; the rest depends on how you bring viewers to that content (Ciampa & Moore, 2015).

Knowledge first

Your journey on YouTube begins with knowing your strengths (Ciampa & Moore, 2015).

  • Planing and executing the content depends upon your knowledge.
  • Then, you need skills and knowledge about shooting, lighting, editing, etc.
  • But, before organizing content plan and doing the rest, you need to identify the audience.
    • the content that excites the audience (leading to a question of who they are?)
    • who are those who have a leading role (who are the influencer)?
      • influencer
      • opinion leader
      • early adopter
  • Content building
    • + proper title, meta-data, and contact info

Then, what are your knowledge that you want to show off?

  • Grouping
  • What are the genres (categories, specialties, 분야)?
    • Define them based on your own idea
    • What are the most popular ones and the least?


Week 03 (Sep. 18, 20)


Youtube account - via google account



  1. Like yahoo, try to sort out what categories are there in YouTube (like Yahoo did long time ago). There is no definitive answer. Discuss it with group members and make a list of categories (genres).
  2. Take at least three sub-categories. Find 2 the most prominent youtube channels in each sub-category. Why are they successful in comparison to other channels?
  3. What are the genres that your group might pursue? Why do you choose it over others?

Week 04 (Sep. 25, 27)

Sep 25. Choosug Holiday


Camera continued

cf. Ansel Adams
Henri Cartier-Bresson Images Henri Cartier-Bresson

Hope for paws is different from others in a sense that their youtube product is a by-product of what they are doing. But, they help a lot in terms of resource or fund raising.

How to make a youtube video

  1. Idea
  2. Filming
    1. Camera
      1. Clothing
      2. Background (bedroom, apartment, etc.)
    2. Lighting
  3. Editing
    1. Windows Movie Maker
    2. Adobe Premier Pro
    3. Adobe After Effect
    4. Sony Vegas
    5. . . . .
    6. Avid
    7. Power Director
  4. Uploading


How to get started


Week 05 (Oct. 2, 4)


Camera continued

Class discussion:

  • The subject
    • Music
    • Sports
    • Gaming
    • Education
    • Movies
    • TV Shows
    • News
    • Live
    • Technology
    • . . . .
  • Youtube account
  • Youtube channel
    • Choosing a channel name - in chapter 2.

Week 06 (Oct. 9, 11)



Week 07 (Oct. 16, 18)



  • a lighting tutorial
  • a video of “in plain English series”

Group Presentation for shoot planning #1

  • 7주차 첫시간(화) : 7, 2, 5, 3, 10 조
  • 7주차 두번째 시간(목): 1, 6, 8, 4, 9 조

기획서 presentation for shoot #1

  • Refer to the first part (setting up for a shoot) in the chapter 7 (textbook)
  • 기획서
    • 채널소개: 주제 및 내용
    • #1 shoot 제목 및 내용
    • 기획의도
    • 시놉시스
    • 출연, 촬영, 감독, 조명 etc.
    • storyboard
    • script(있다면)
    • prop and costumes (예상소품)
    • 촬영장비준비
    • 촬영구성: 어느장송에서 어떤 내용을 찍을 건지 (storyboard에 따라서)
  • 등을 포함합니다.


Week 08 (Oct. 23, 25)


Quiz the first one

  • Lecture materials + textbook
  • Textbook: ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Lecture materials: Materials covered in the class lecture (in schedule page + lecture)


Week 09 (Oct. 30, Nov. 1)


Rare pictures archive

Pet (dog) reaction to adoption

Brave owners of dog

tales of two sisters reaction

Apple Final Cut Pro: Has over 1,000 royalty-free sound effects and music tracks
Sony Vegas Movie Studio: Contains 400 royalty-free music soundtracks

video editing

SEO (video SEO: search engine discoverability):

  • YouTube doesn’t work like web SEO because it can’t (yet) watch your content to determine what your video is about, so it has to rely on your metadata and how the community reacts by way of watch time, social media shares, and embedded links for the video on external sites.
  • So what exactly do we mean by optimization in search engine optimization? Optimization is about intelligently and systematically putting together description words so that
    • YouTube understands what your content is about so it can better offer your video to the most appropriate searchers.
    • Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! understand your content and are thus in a position to add your videos to search engine results pages along with web content.
    • Viewers are more likely to click on your content versus other search results offered.


Upload your first channel video by the end of Thursday. And list it to the assignment page in ajou bb (to be announced).

Week 10 (Nov. 6, 8)


李子柒 channel



密子君 channel


蘑菇娘娘 channel
RocketJump (Freddie Wong)
Wong Fu Productions

Kina Grannis

Logan Paul's vlog channel



Liza Koshy


We surprised a Korean grandma living on $2 a day | ASIAN BOSS

Youtube hygene

  • Community guidelines:
  • Copyright policies: . . . . Three copyright strikes will result in account termination.

Check your status

  1. In your web browser, go to
  2. Log in to your YouTube account.
  3. Click the logged-in icon and then choose Creator Studio from the drop-down menu that appears. The Creator Studio main menu should appear on the left side of the browser.
  4. Click the Channel section of the Creator. By default, it should go directly to the Status and Features submenu.
  5. Select Status and Features, if it’s not already showing. Doing so loads your account status on the right.
  6. Make sure that both the Community Guidelines and Copyright lines show a green status circle and the words Good Standing.

  • It’s a lot easier to get your video SEO house in order up front, rather than deal with it after you’ve published all your content.
  • So what exactly do we mean by optimization in search engine optimization? Optimization is about intelligently and systematically putting together description words so that
    • YouTube understands what your content is about so it can better offer your video to the most appropriate searchers.
    • Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! understand your content and are thus in a position to add your videos to search engine results pages along with web content.
    • Viewers are more likely to click on your content versus other search results offered.


  • The video title is the most important piece of metadata that you’ll create. As important as the title is to YouTube and the major search engines, you have to also ensure that it works for people. The trouble is that it can’t look as though you’re trying too hard to grab folks’ attention. Fancy click-bait titles, such as “You won’t believe what happens to the 12 kittens in this video,” may generate more clicks, but the search engines won’t bite and they will likely ignore your content. Also avoid breathless wording such as “most epic” or “blow your mind.”
  • Use the following approach to picking a title:
    • Determine the keywords.
    • Add a descriptive phrase to the title.
    • Move branding keywords to the end of the title.
    • If your video is part of a series, include an episode number at the end of your title.


  • Explain in greater detail what your video and your channel are about.
  • Extend the viewer’s experience by providing additional detail around what is shown in the video. For example, if you have a video on cooking, the description field would be a great place to include a copy of the recipe.
  • Trigger the viewer to do something. That could include watching another video, making a purchase, supporting your cause, and more.
  • Entice people to view. The first couple of paragraphs of the description show up in search results, so you have to write compelling — and relevant — content so that the user somehow takes the next step of clicking and viewing. That’s also true on the Watch page, where the first couple of sentences appear under the video, compelling the viewer (you hope!) to watch.
  • Aid in discovery. A great description can include hundreds of keywords that will help with search. Be sure to use ones that are relevant to the video.
  • Above the folder vs below the folder
  • should include:
    • Your channel
    • Other videos
    • Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Instagram
    • A website
    • A landing page


  • YouTube imposes a limit of 500 characters for the entire Tag field.
  • Be both specific and broad.
    • Acme Z500 Convection Oven; Oven
  • Choose synonyms.
    • Oven; Stove
  • Action terms.
    • Product review; field test;



Week 11 (Nov. 13, 15)



Kennedy home movies

15 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Sales on Etsy
Holly Casto: She is mentioned in the textbook.

Holly Casto ( is the owner and designer of Charm & Gumption, an online gift shop for bloggers and creative types.

Your community could do much to drive the audience growth for your YouTube channel, but for that to happen you need to be a genuine and active member of the community. . . .

YouTube offers additional features to channels that have a high subscriber count, including fan insights and additional monetization options. (Fan insights provide more detail about who is watching your content, while the additional monetization options enables more ways for you to make money off your channel and content.)


Upload the second youtube channel video by the end of this week by six pm on the next Monday.

Week 12 (Nov. 20, 22)



Week 13 (Nov. 27, 29)



Week 14 (Dec. 4, 6)



Week 15 (Dec. 11, 13)



Week 16 (Dec. 18, 20)



c/dbnm/2018/schedule.1542204180.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/14 23:03 by hkimscil

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