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Syllabus: 미디어 조사방법론 대학원


  • 월요일 6:00-8:45
  • 교실: 산학원 422-1
  • 강의: 김효동 (hkimscil at ajou dot ac dot kr)
  • 상담시간: 월/수 4:30-6:00 or by appointment


Basic Statistics와 Multivariate Statistics 분석방법을 이용하는 연구문제를 설계하고 논문을 완성합니다.


통계기법을 이용하여 학생들은 아래의 항목에 대해 익히고 이를 연구계획 및 연구에 접목할 수 있어야 합니다.

  1. investigating and summarizing previous studies;
  2. identifying and re-defining student's research interests;
  3. designing a proper research methods;
  4. obtaining proper data;
  5. analyzing the data with proper methods;
  6. developing and articulating the results and findings based on logic and reasons.

수업형식 및 진행

Discussions of readings and assignment
Discussions of students' own research works, which may include

  1. investigating previous works based on student's own interests
  2. articulating student's research interests and research questions
  3. reviewing and identifying research design
  4. gathering data
  5. analyzing data
  6. summing up student's findings


  • 강의
  • 토론및 토의
  • 팀 프로젝트 (발표)

기초지식 및 도구능력


Attendancy 5%
Research Report Mid term 30%
Research Report Final term 30%
개인과제 + 발제 35%

- Research Report는 Cumulative 합니다.

교재 및 참고자료



  1. Week 1: Introdoction
  2. Week 2: Preliminary RQ / Investigating previous research works / RQ develpment / Hypothesis development
  3. Week 3: Use of library / RQ and Hypotheses Building | Design of Study | Data, what to do with them?
  4. Week 4: Standard scores | Sampling, SE, CLT | Ch. 9. One vs Two samples Comparison
  5. Week 5: Ch.10 ANOVA | Two way-ANOVA |
  6. Week 6: r / Regression | Chi-square
  7. Week 7: Present your research questions
  8. Week 8: Midterm Period
  9. Week 9: Regression: Chapter 7 (Multiple Regression + alpha) & 8 (Logistic Regression)
  10. Week 10: Ch. 11. ANCOVA / Ch. 12. Factorial ANOVA
  11. Week 11: Ch. 13. Repeated Design / Ch. 14. Mixed Design
  12. Week 12: Ch. 16. Manova / Ch. 17. Exploratory Factor Analysis
  13. Week 13: SNA . . .
  14. Week 14: Presentation
  15. Week 15: Presentation
  16. Week 16: Final Period



c/grad/mrm/2015.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/13 10:45 by hkimscil

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