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Symbol Names Definition
Q1 first quartile
lower quartile
25th percentile
splits off the lowest 25% of data from the highest 75%
일사분위수 (하한사분위수)
Q2 second quartile
50th percentile
cuts data set in half
Q3 third quartile
upper quartile
75th percentile
splits off the highest 25% of data from the lowest 75%
삼사분위수 (상한사분위수)

interquartile and outliers

사분범위 = Q3 - Q1
사분범위 = (상한사분위수) - (하한사분위수)

> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption duration
> quantile(duration)                # apply the quantile function 
    0%    25%    50%    75%   100% 
1.6000 2.1627 4.0000 4.4543 5.1000

quantile, not qurtile

quartile.1568600874.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/16 11:27 by hkimscil

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