2B | Double |
3B | Triple |
AB | At Bats |
BA | Batting Average |
BABIP | Batting Average on Balls in Play |
BB | Bases on Balls (Walks) |
BCS | Bowl Championship Series |
BFP | Batters Faced by Pitchers |
CS | Caught Stealing |
D | Down |
DICE | Defense- Independent Component ERA |
DIPS | Defense- Independent Pitching Statistics |
DPAR | Defense Adjusted Points above Replacement |
DPY/A | Defense- Passing Yards Per Attempt |
DRP | Defensive Rebounding Percentage |
DRY/A | Defense Rushing Yards Per Attempt |
DTO | Defensive Turnover |
DTPP | Defensive Turnovers Caused Per Possession |
DVOA | Defense Adjusted Value over Average |
EFG | Effective Field Goal Percentage |
ERA | Earned Run Average |
EXTRAFG | Extra Field Goal |
FP | Fielding Percentage |
FG | Field Goal |
FT | Free Throw |
FTR | Free Throw Rate |
GIDP | Ground into Double Play |
GO | Ground Out |
HBP | Hit by Pitch |
HR | Home Run |
IP | Innings Pitched |
K | Strikeout |
MAD | Mean Absolute Deviation |
MLB | Major League Baseball |
OBP | On- Base Percentage |
OEFG | Opponent’s Effective Field Goal Percentage |
OFTR | Opponent’s Free Throw Rate |
ORP | Offensive Rebounding Percentage |
OPS | On- Base Plus Slugging |
PAP | Pitcher Abuse Points |
PENDIF | Penalty Differential |
PER | Player Efficiency Rating |
PO | Put Out |
PORP | Points over Replacement Player |
PRESSURE | TD Pressure Touchdown |
PY/A | Passing Yards Per Attempt |
QB | Quarterback |
RET | TD Return Touchdown |
RF | Range Factor |
RPI | Ratings Percentage Index |
RSQ | R-Squared Value |
RY/A | Rushing Yards Per Attempt |
SAC | Sacrifice Bunt |
SAFE | Spatial Aggregate Fielding Evaluation |
SAGWINPOINTS | Number of total points earned by player during a season based on how his game events change his team’s probability of winning a game (events that generate a single win will add to a net of 2000 points) |
SAGWINDIFF | Sagarin Winning Probability Difference |
SB | Stolen Base |
SF | Sacrifice Fly |
SLG | Slugging Percentage |
SS | Shortstop |
TB | Total Bases |
TD | Touchdown |
TO | Turnover |
TPP | Turnovers Committed Per Possession |
TPZSG | Two- Person Zero Sum Game |
VORPP | Value of a Replacement Player Points |
WINDIFF | Winning Probability Difference |
WINVAL | Winning Value |
WOBA | Weighted On- Base Average |
WWRT | Wald- Wolfowitz Runs Test |
YL | Yard Line (where the ball is spotted at start of a play) |
YTG | Yards to Go (for a first down) |
sabermetrics.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/09 19:07 by hkimscil