Table of Contents
Business use of youtube
Video and business
- Videos can be embedded in your web pages.
- Target customers (consumers) ~ audience
- Who are they?
- ages, education levels, works, etc.
- into tailored video content on a proper channel (medium).
- The more you involve them, the more likely they are to remember the video.
- Where are they on-line or off-line?
Figure 12-2 shows consumer search patterns around tablets in the consumer electronics industry. What’s most striking is the amount of ongoing YouTube search traffic that’s shown. Compare that with the corresponding Google search graph, which shows only seasonal search spikes — a sure sign that consumers are looking for the big sales after having already selected their products. The implications of Figure 12-2 are profound, especially for business: Brand and product decisions are being made on YouTube, and purchase decisions are being made on Google.
Being on YouTube is no longer just an advantage; it’s a necessity for business. If you’ve doubted where YouTube fits into your business cycle, think again. YouTube now represents the first few steps in your customers’ journey with you.
The importance of content
The importance of content for any companies.
Create awareness. Initially, viewers likely have no idea who you are or what you offer as a product or service. You want to elevate their knowledge of you in the fastest way possible. Think of the video content at this stage as a short YouTube commercial. It’s different from regular ads and TV commercials because it may provide annotations and web links for viewers seeking more information. In other words, you won’t leave them hanging. If you’re going to advertise on YouTube, content at this stage may be perfect for your campaign.
Generate interest. Think of endorsements or partnerships. If you’re big enough — or rich enough — you’re talking about celebrity endorsements.
Build credibility. Building credibility usually necessitates adding tutorials and longer videos that take the time to describe product details. Don’t be surprised to see a 30-minute longer-form video at this stage perform as well as shorter-form content at an earlier stage.
Remove objections. Having collaborators producing tutorials are great for not only building trustworthiness but also removing potential objections. Sometimes, though, you need something different from a tutorial, perhaps videos that describe how your product or service benefited the customer. This is where you make the sale happen, so make sure it counts.
Provide a service. After your prospective channel viewer has turned into a paying customer, you may think that your YouTube work is done. Not exactly. Remember that if customers love their experience with you and your business, they’ll likely buy from you again, and again, and again. One way to ensure this level of loyalty is to make the experience they have with you and your brand after the sale a rewarding one. We’re talking about customer support and service. This is where YouTube can truly shine. Your customer will no doubt have questions about your product, application scenarios, maintenance, and so much more. That’s okay and perfectly normal, so help them out. For example, the auto manufacturer Audi does a great job with customer service on YouTube, as shown in Figure 12-4. As car electronics became more advanced and sophisticated, Audi stepped up as one of the first companies to offer tutorial videos. Check out the tutorial videos at
Effective content doesn’t have to be all about products, either. American Express ( does an outstanding job of producing channel content that provides important advice for small businesses, as shown in Figure 12-5. Doing so isn’t the core business of a credit card company such as American Express, but it’s obviously quite important to its target audience. Always remember that your best content aligns with your audience’s needs (audience-centric content on Youtube).
Community and content creators
People who talk about you and your products (services)
Having friends talking about you is better than your talking about yourself.
- Include their content in your playlists
- Comment on their channel
- Respect their independence.
- Consider sponsorship or another type of promotion
Brands vs. vlogers
Beauty brands own a surprisingly small share of YouTube’s audience.
Beauty brands need to consistently create a wider variety of YouTube content — and more of it.
Beauty brands aren’t being found on YouTube.
Audience engagement is the key to beauty-brand marketing success on YouTube.
TV advertisement
- According to the Sprots Illustrated, $5 million.
Digital Ads
7 Digital Ad Alternatives You Can Buy for the Same Price as a Super Bowl TV Spot
- For $5.6 million, a bit more than Fox is reportedly asking for, advertisers could buy 90 Snapchat Discover takeovers (at roughly $62,200 each) that let brands sponsor a publication's daily edition. “[That] would almost let you buy the entire Snapchat portfolio,” Sigel said.
- According to Essence, a national sponsored Snapchat lens, the fun colorful filters that overlay selfies, costs roughly $329,400, meaning advertisers could create 17 of them for $5.6 million.
Snap Betting Big on AR Advertising
Brand Spotlight: Pepsi Canada | Snapchat for Business
Homepage takeovers
- 35 homepage takeovers on 'tier-one' sites
Video impression
What a $5.2 million Super Bowl ad can buy in digital media
Here's What Else a $4 Million Super Bowl Ad Could Buy
Effective advertising is all about measurement, so you’ll use YouTube Analytics extensively to make sure you’re getting the most out of your ad dollars or maximizing your monetization potential. (For more on YouTube Analytics, check out Chapter 11.)
The difference between
- owned
- earned
- paid
Integrating YouTube with Other Campaigns
Cross-media integration
To see what an effective integrated business campaign might look like on YouTube, look no further than the campaign put together by the NBA (, one of the better sports leagues on YouTube. The NBA does many things well for its business, including
- Content generation: The NBA updates its YouTube content quite frequently, often releasing custom highlights just for its YouTube audience. It’s a useful example of how to repurpose TV content for a YouTube audience.
- Promotion integration: The NBA’s YouTube channel sections are always up to date with the newest content, tentpole events — seasonal or timely content releases around an event, playoffs for example — and more. If the NBA is doing something on court or off court, it’s guaranteed to be on YouTube.
- Video optimization: Well-chosen, accurate, custom thumbnails entice viewers to click and watch. Many of the NBA’s videos also have other interactive elements, such as annotations and end-cards.
- Channel monetization: The NBA knows how to make money, and it has taken that formula to YouTube. You’ll see extensive use of pre-roll ads against its channel content. (The idea behind pre-roll video ads is that they play before the NBA video assets, and the channel then earns earns money from each view of an ad.)
Youtube advertising as advertiser
Google Ads 정책
Ads Specs
Google ads
In-stream ads
In-display ads
Adwords account