See also the Book: diffusion_of_innovations
and Eve Rogers' speech

Concepts and Ideas


Why do certain technology spread faster than others? (Summary of Diffusion Theory PDF 파일 참조)

  1. Relative advantage
  2. Compatibility with existing values and practices
  3. Simplicity and ease of use
  4. Trial-ability
  5. Observable results

2 step flow theory vs. bullet theory AKA 피하주사 모델 (hypodermic needle model)

의견지도자 (…력) = opinion leaders (or opinion leadership)

소시오그램 (sociogram)

Moreno developed sociometry 1). He started asking people who their friends were and explored the ways in which their relations with others served as both limitations and opportunities for action and for their psychological behavior. He founded the journal sociometry which investigated the relationship between psychological well-being and “social configurations”. He believed that large scale social phenomena, such as the economy and state, were sustained and reproduced over time by the small scale configurations formed by peoples patterns of friendship, dislike and other relations.

Moreno invented the sociogram – a diagram of points and lines used to represent relations among persons. Before that, ideas like the “social fabric” or “social network” were just vague ideas. Moreno used sociograms to identify social leaders and isolates, to uncover asymmetry and reciprocity in friendship choices, and to map chains of indirect connection. One of the configurations he observed was the sociometric star: an individual chosen by many others as a friend.Moreno developed sociometry. . . .

See also, Moreno, J. L. (1941). Foundations of Sociometry: An Introduction. Sociometry, 4(1), 15-35. Original Article PDF file download
See also, Introduction to Sociometry from The Hoop and the Tree web site
–> Formation of groups (from The Study of Hawthorne Factory)

커뮤니케이션 네트워크 (Communication network)의 특징: 동질성 과 이질성 (homophily and heterophily)

확산 그래프 (diffusion graph)

Social Learning Theory, (사회학습이론)

Critical Mass, (결정적 다수)

How to IDENTIFY the OLs? (table 8.1)

see an article, Moreno's Sociometry