1조. 2016/04/19 10:17 class:mt:2016:group_01 ? yijkyun (current)
2조. 2016/04/19 09:02 class:mt:2016:group_02 ? juh22222 (current)
3조. 2016/04/19 10:29 class:mt:2016:group_03 ? idongk530 (current)
4조. 2016/04/05 20:09 class:mt:2016:group_04 ? dmsrud7817 (current)
5조. 2016/04/19 10:34 class:mt:2016:group_05 ? aragon1105 (current)
6조. 2016/03/31 00:53 class:mt:2016:group_06 ? carrot7 (current)
커뮤니케이션 북스 리딩 패킷 검색: 미디어이론, 2016 Spring - 공동구매
이론이란 무엇인가?(첫눈에 반한 (2012개정판))_1장
커뮤니케이션 이론의 지형: 커뮤니케이션 연구 전통(첫눈에 반한 (2012개정판))_2장
탐구 분야
- Violence in (on-line) Games, on-line environment, mass media
- Addiction in Games, Computer (the Internet)
- Diffusion of Innovation (Samsung vs. Apple: Why do they differ from each other?)
- 트위터는 소셜 네트워크인가?: 네트워크 구조와 정보 전파의 관점(트위터란 무엇인가)_3장
- Social network analysis
- Social support, Social capital\
- Social network in social media
- Social media and social changes (or movement)
- 온라인뉴스 확산행동 혹은 의견 게재행동에 참여하는 이용자 특성에 대한 연구 (홍보학연구 16권 4호)
- Persuasion in new media (Social media and marketing)
- Advertising in mass media
- Persuasion in Wikipedia
- Advertising in new media (social media)
- 소셜네트워크 마케팅에서 정교화 가능성 모델의 적용 연구 eyetracking method
- Social Media PR
- Social norms in online environment, game environment
- Social behavior in online environment
- Formation of public opinion influenced by mass media, new media
- Agenda influenced by mass media
- Agenda setting influenced by social media
- Big data and their influence (social political impacts)
정보위험사회와 빅데이터: 현실 정보사회의 관점에서(빅데이터와 위험 정보사회)_1장
- Journalism
- social media as a means of news diffusion (참여 저널리즘)
- Big data journalism
- Internet journalism (Blog journalism)
c/mt/2016/lecturer_note.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/01 14:58 by hkimscil