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See also, ANOVA, Factorial ANOVA
설명이 불충분하므로, 아래 참고 사이트(reference)를 숙지할 것.

Repeated Measures ANOVA


  • one-way ANOVA for related, not-independent groups
  • extension of the dependent t-test (one group t-test, repeated measure t-test)
  • also, within-subjects ANOVA or ANOVA for correlated samples
  • the simplest one is one-way repeated measures ANOVA
  • which requires one independent and one dependent variable
  • the independent variable is categorical (either nominal or ordinal)
  • the dependent variable is continuous (interval or ratio)

Test Circumstances

  • one subject with repeated measures across a time period (differences of mean scores across three or more time periods)
  • one subject with repeated measures in different situation (treatments; differences of mean scores under three or more different conditions)


  • $\text{independent ANOVA: } F = \displaystyle \frac{MS_{between}}{MS_{within}} = \frac{MS_{between}}{MS_{error}}$
  • $\text{rep measures ANOVA: } F = \displaystyle \frac{MS_{between}}{MS_{within}} = \displaystyle \frac{MS_{conditions}}{MS_{error}}$
  • but, $\text{SS}_\text{{within}}$ can be partitioned as
    • $\text{SS}_{\text{ subjects}}$ and $\text{SS}_{\text{ error}}$
    • Among the two, we can exclude the first from SSwithin
    • and solely use the latter as SSerror
    • This is to say:
      • in $\text{independent ANOVA: } \text{SS}_\text{{within}} = \text{SS}_{\text{error}} $
      • in $\text{rep measures ANOVA: } \text{SS}_\text{{within}} = \text{SS}_{\text{subjects}} + \text{SS}_{\text{error}}$
    • This means that the term SSerror will be smaller
    • But, with this SSerror, the df is going to be (n-1)(k-1)
Headache Analysis
base treatment average
per case
ser w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 $\overline{X}_{part}$
= average
per case
1 21 22 8 6 6 12.6
2 20 19 10 4 9 12.4
3 7 5 5 4 5 5.2
4 25 30 13 12 4 16.8
5 30 33 10 8 6 17.4
6 19 27 8 7 4 13
7 26 16 5 2 5 10.8
8 13 4 8 1 5 6.2
9 26 24 14 8 17 17.8
per week
20.78 20.00 9.00 5.78 6.78 $\overline{X}$ = 12.47
Mean Total 12.47
$\Sigma{X_i}$ 561
$\Sigma{{X_i}^2}$ 10483
# of week 5
# of case (n) 9

SStotal = $\Sigma{(X-\overline{X})^2} $ = 3489.2

SSparticipants = $w\Sigma{(\overline{X}_{participants}-\overline{X})}$ = 833.6

SSweeks = $n\Sigma{(\overline{X}_{week} - \overline{X})}$ = 1934.5


= SSerror

= SStotal - SSparticipants - SSweeks

= 721.1

dftotal = N - 1 = 45 - 1 = 44

dfweek = 5 - 1 = 4 = dfbetween

dfparticipants = 9 - 1 = 8 = dfsubjects

dferror= (n - 1)(k - 1) = 8 * 4 = 32 = 40 - 8 = 32

dfwithin = N - k = 45 - 5 = 40


시각적 인지점수
참가자 No visual distraction Visual distraction Sound Distraction
A 47 22 41
B 57 31 52
C 38 18 40
D 45 32 43


repeated_measure_anova.1496355879.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/02 06:54 by hkimscil

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