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History of Television

Window to the world

Watch a video, Modern Marvels: Television: Window to the World
A video clip at Youtube = ModernMarvelsTelevision.avi

  • 6:50 David Sarnoff with meeting with G. Marconi: At 14 . . . .
    • Employed as a messenger boy at 14.
    • Airwaves war . . . interference . . . . organization from the chaos
  • 9:00 Roosebelt . . . RCA
    • Sec. of The Navy, Franklin Roosevelt . . . .
  • 9:25 David Sarnoff
    • 9:47 Farther of television
    • At 22, radio box memo . . . envision of television
  • 10:35 Farnsworth . . . move to L.A. . . . .
    • working in secrecy.
    • Radio broadcast boom by D. Sarnoff
    • Images
    • 14:20 Mechanical television
    • 15:20 Electronic television . . . . Fail of 1925 demonstration (PTF)
    • 18:05 Jenkins . . . . Mechanical Television
    • TV in England by Beard 17:10 - 17:50 followed by PTF
    • 20:00 - 21:40 Win over RCA
  • 12:00 Westinghouse at Philadelphia: the 1st radio station
    • KDKA, Pittsburgh
  • 12:20 David Sarnoff at RCA
    • 12:40 Wireless to Radio to Television
  • 13:40 Zworkin (a Russian Immigrant)
    • vs. PTF
  • 14:30 Electronic Television vs. Mechanical Television
    • . . . .
  • 15:00 PTF moved to SF.
  • 15:40 PTF demonstration of TV . . . failed.
  • 17:15 PTF in England demontration . . . succeeded.
  • 18:00 BBC adopted. . . PTF work.
  • 19:10 Patent Battle between PTF vs. Zworkin →
  • 20:30 PTF wins!
  • 24.15 W2XBS highly experimental broadcasting . . . . (sa around 1:25-1:40) July 7, 1936 . . . First commercial television station
  • 24:50 so hot studio ~!!
  • 25:20 experiments with tv program formats in NY . . .
  • 25:55 fear of the talents (F Sinatra)
  • 26:30 Orson Welles CBS
    • to NBC
  • 27:00 NY Worlds Fair (세계만국박람회) . . . .
  • 27:45 Regular broadcast in Am
    • 2 hours in a week, 200 sets in NY
  • 28:30 Baby has been born with beard. . . . by PTF
  • 29:23 Televison ADs (광고)
  • FCC . . . 1940 James Fly . . . Anti-Trust Law
  • NBC to . . . . RCA's Blue or Red NBC . . . .
  • After 1945: 30:20 the end of the war
  • Standard . . . 31:10 or 31:40 Dumont Television 450 vs 600 line television
  • 1947 World series 33:00
  • TV sets . . . . 35:30
  • Telents drives tube
    • Dying industry . . . . Vaudeville resurrection of . . .
    • I love Lucy . . . . 36:00
    • Norma Jean 36:00
    • televised tour of the White house by the Pres. Truman
    • into color . . . .
  • Battle for color

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television_history.1467192820.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/29 18:03 by hkimscil

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