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Class page
multivariate statistics in R
network analysis in R

  • A User’s Guide to Network Analysis in R (Use R!)
  • Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R (Use R!) 2014th Edition
Network Analysis in R using igraph package – from Datacamp
Marketing analysis in r statistics from Datacamp

Week01 (Sep 1, 3)

ideas and concepts

Using theories

Installing R


Week02 (Sep 8, 10)

Concepts and ideas

  • 제2장. 여러분이 . . . = 통계관련 개념 개관

$$ \text{Inferential Statistics} = \frac {\text{Effects}} {\text{Error}} $$


Week03 (Sep 15, 17)


Concepts and ideas


Assignment for all

Group assignment

  • Hypothesis 문서의 예_1의 “제3자 효과이론과 침묵의 나선이론 연계성” 논문을 읽고 가설을 기술하시오.
  • 각 가설의 독립변인(Independent variables), 종속변인 (dependent variabless) 등을 나열하시오.
  • 이 논문에 사용된 이론은 무엇인지 기술하고 설명하시오.

Week04 (Sep 22, 24)

Class Activity

out of class

  • intervene –
  • inter + ven(e) = between + come
    • prevent
    • convention
    • convene
    • revenue
    • venue
    • convenient
    • adventure
    • invention
    • event


Concepts and ideas


ga04.making.hypothesis 가설 연습 ajoubb

Week05 (Sep 29, Oct 1)

ideas and concepts


Week06 (Oct 6, 8)


  1. Public opinion in online environments 1)
    • etc. 여론형성과 관련된 사회학적 혹은 사회심리학적 이론을 찾아보고 소개하기, 예로 위의 세가지. 얼마전 사회현상을 어떻게 설명하면 좋을까에 대해서 논의정리하기? 정확한 온라인 환경에서의 여론파악을 위해서 어떤 것이 필요할까?
    • 혹은 다른 문제에 대해서 (. . . 조에 따른 . . .)
  2. Hypotheses
    • Multiple regression hypotheses.
    • Google Survey Questions

Week07 (Oct 13, 15)

ideas and concepts


Week08 (Oct 20, 22)

Mid-term period

Week09 (Oct 27, 29)

Week10 (Nov 3, 5)

ideas and concepts

factor analysis


Week11 (Nov 10, 12)

ideas and concepts


Week12 (Nov 17, 19)

ideas and concepts

Week13 (Nov 24, 26)


Quiz 2 (on Friday Dec. the 6th) covers:

Some R outputs will be used to ask the related concepts and ideas (the above).


Week14 (Dec 1, 3)

Group Presentation

Week15 (Dec 8, 10)

Week16 (June 15, 17)

Final-term covers:
multiple regression
partial and semipartial correlation
using dummy variables
factor analysis
social network analysis
sna tutorial
sna in r
SNA e.g. lab 06

Some R outputs will be used to ask the related concepts and ideas (the above).

c/ma/2020/schedule.1600326815.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/17 16:13 by hkimscil

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